Sunday, 12 December 2010

Big Announcement!

Wow! TES V: Skyrim has been announced! UESP is abuzz with what this means, but my thoughts are with whom we shall see crawling out of the woodwork. Will we see Rawtwat the Vicious and ^CEshe^V back? What about the three antediluvian admins, Wrye, Endareth and Garrett? Then there's the Legion of Departed Patrollers... how many of them will come back? As I post, it's 12/12/10. The game is due out on 11/11/11. So there's less than one year until the new release.

May you live in interesting times.

A New Project

Having recently dismissed two projects for being silly ideas, The Great Deceiver has... created a new project. This seems to go back to an ancient argument between TheRealLurlock and TGD that partially concerned how the Quest Header template should be used. I can't find that discussion now so if anyone can supply a link, that would be great.

There's a relationship to be drawn between the age of a game and the quality of the UESP pages related to it. Mark game age on the X axis and quality on the Y, and then starting from a low base, the line rises to a peak with Morrowind and then trails off towards the Oblivion/SI end. There's an obvious reason for this, which is that the old games have nobody playing them and their content dates back to the pre-wiki days of UESP, while the Oblivion pages are infested by 12 year olds adding their favourite tips, however pointless they may be.

Morrowind is at the top of the quality scale because most of the content for the game was added after the site went wiki, but before all the children got involved. This tends to mean that most of the content is just as it should be - sparse, but accurate. People can find what they want without being drowned out by trivia. The only problem is that it's all been so sparse that useful information hasn't been added. It looks like this project might be a good way to fill in the major gaps.

Compare this to the silly "Add Far Too Much Fucking Information To The Oblivion NPC Pages Project" or OBNPCRP as its disciples call it. There's a line to be drawn between too much and too little information, but I would rather see things fall on the Morrowind side of that line.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

New Patroller Vote

It looks like we will be getting a new patroller some time soon. Brf was nominated by TGD a few hours ago and already has 6 support votes so I doubt this ones going to end in defeat. From what I've seen, Brf looks like he'll be a good addition so I'm not going to argue with this one.