Keeping track of the names I use can sometimes be a little tricky, so here is the full set of past and present nicknames for UESP users.
UESP Name: Alpha Kenny Buddy
Nickname: Lonely and Desperate
Reason: Thinks it's funny that his name sounds rude when said out loud. If he really will fuck anybody then he's lonely and desperate.
UESP Name: Anarchangel
Nickname: Anarchasshole
Reason: He's an asshole.
UESP Name: Daveh
Nickname: Daveh the Incompetent
Reason: Unable to fix any of the site's outstanding issues. Tried and failed three times to upgrade the wiki software to 1.19, wiping out 12 hours' worth of edits in the process.
UESP Name: Elliot
Nickname: Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick
Former Nickname: Elliot the Banned, Obnoxious and Thick
Former Nickname: Elliot the Thick
Reason: Purely down to his extremely limited intellect. Later amended because of the obnoxious crap he wrote to people in IRC and emails. The Banned part should be pretty obvious.
UESP Name: Eshe
Nickname: ^CEshe^V
Reason: Most of her edits came from copy/pasting the same thing into hundreds of pages.
UESP Name: GuildKnight (GK)
Nickname: Southern Belle
Reason: She's from Georgia in the USA, one of the southern states, and from that picture of her on her userpage, she's a bit of a babe.
UESP Name: Krusty
Nickname: Great Dane
Former Nickname: Herschel
Reason: He's from Denmark and has done more really top quality stuff than anyone else. His former nickname was because Krusty the Clown's real name is Herschel Krustofski. The new one is because he's Danish and really good. I know it's not great but it's the best I can do right now.
UESP Name: Nephele
Nickname: Queen of Trolls
Former Nickname: Nephele the Pious
Reason: The former nickname was because she always seems to think she's better than other users, and often makes TL;DR posts explaining exactly why this is the case. The new name came after she stirred up a huge debate then complained when others took part in it. Classic trolling.
UESP Name: Ratwar
Nickname: Rawtwat the Vicious
Reason: Used to enjoy making sarcastic comments to users having just blocked them, and openly insulting other users. The Rawtwat part is purely because it's funny.
UESP Name: RobinHood70
Nickname: Whining Little Bitch
Former Nickname: Masked Template Guru
Former Nickname: Elliot's Bitch
Reason: Used to agree with almost everything Elliot ever said. Later, used to run off and complain to admins every time somebody upset him (usually Rpeh). The Guru one came from RH70 also being Joram, a name he adopted to duck out of the site for a while, and because he made a number of good edits to templates. Didn't last long though.
UESP Name: Rpeh
Nickname: The Great Deceiver (TGD)
Reason: Pretending that he wasn't Calliope despite all the evidence.
UESP Name: SerCenKing
Nickname: Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
Reason: He's Italian, and that's the name of a former king of Rome (king - like in SerCenKing, geddit?). I chose that one because of a superb put-down of Elliot that he wrote.
UESP Name: Timenn
Nickname: Mary Jane
Former Nickname: Last Good Admin
Reason: For a while, Timenn was the only one of the bunch who was any good as an administrator. Now GK and Krusty have joined the ranks, that's no longer true. He's still a good admin, but the name had to go. For the new one, see the Items section here.