Thursday, 8 October 2009


Nephele's never-ending Oblivion Places Redesign Project keeps bringing out the morons who can't read - sometimes among people who should know better.

Here's a typical post from somebody who can be excused (an anon in this case). Instead of reading the project guidelines, Krusty, who can be expected to know better these days, "confirms" the post. SerCenKing, who can also be expected to know better, chimes in and then Wolok gro-Barok, who can ALSO be expected to know better, almost gets the point... but not quite.

At the moment we're left with SerCenKing doing all the necessary research except for reading the necessary page (I know I've linked to it twice but this seems to be necessary).

What's worrying here is that all three of the editors I've named are Patrollers. That's why I harped on about expecting them to know better. I mean, have these people never heard about the OPRP? Sure Nephele began it in 1734 and then did f**k all about it except delete other people's contributions but the banners for the damn thing still infest almost every place page so you would expect a patroller to have at least looked at the damn thing.

Further proof, if it was required, that UESP is going down the tubes.

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