Tuesday, 29 May 2012

(Not a very) Good Question

It seems ^CEshe^V has developed a new habit. Not content with cutting and pasting (incorrect) trivia from one place to another, she has started tagging every single question anyone asks as a "Good Question". Sometimes two at a time. I could add several dozen more but I think you get the idea. There are currently 113 unanswered questions for April, 32 for March and another 31 for May (still a couple of days left, ^CEshe^V!)

This is a good one. The question is genuinely useful, but all our intrepid admin does is ask "someone want to look into this?" in the edit summary. Or this one, where a totally pointless question merits the template only to have it removed again after Xyzzy replies with "shit happens" (I'm paraphrasing here). Or this one, which should never have been posted on the talk page anyway (that was kertaw48's fault) but certainly didn't need this template when the {{fact}} template exists.

It looks as if ^CEshe^V is joining Elliot the Obnoxious and Thick and the Whining Little Bitch in making pointless change after pointless change to add to their edit counts and make it look as though they're relevant.


  1. Man, and here I thought this'd be an amusing post. You're really struggling with finding content, aren't you?

  2. So, Tiber. To solve mistaking me for a trolling anon like you did in that post from back in March, I made a Blogger profile. However, I will probably still seldom speak on here.

    Anyways, keep on writing. I still find it more amusing than insulting. :)

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  4. Yeah, c'mon Tiber, your posts used to be so angry and over the top that they were funny sometimes - now they're just kinda pathetic. Have you run out of interesting material or what?

  5. Yeah, except for the bit where I wouldn't want to piss on the people I consider friends, *I* could come up with an interesting blog for you. You're slipping, dude. Surely, there is SOMETHING you can find to rage over.

  6. This is the most interesting thing happening. Apart from this all that's happening is that a bunch of dullards are making poor edits. One or two look like they might become something but most of the good editors have moved on.

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  8. I like reading the blog, too, anon, but in fairness, for once the wiki is quiet, so it is hard to write about something. But, if you want something to hate on, then feel free to hate on me. I don't care. I have a good sense of humor and will undoubtedly be more entertained than insulted. :P

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  11. Snowmane, if you do anything commentworthy then I'll comment on it.

    To the other annoying shitsack, unless you can say anything original in your comments I'll keep deleting them.

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  13. Oh so you're okay with all those people all saying your posts are boring as lukewarm piss, but when I say it I get deleted.

    What's wrong Tiber did I make you cry?

    Here's a tip: quit bashing the people nobody gives a shit about and try being FUNNY for once, for old time's sake.

  14. On several points, you're a bit of a twat.

    First, all piss is lukewarm unless you let it cool. In other words, the hottest piss ever gets is lukewarm. Invent some better similes, please, or at least look them up on the Internet.

    Second, I know for a fact that people do give a shit. I only made the post because I got an email about Eshe's latest obsession. Personally I find the whole site as interesting as as paint drying on the walls of a room with the lights turned out, but I'll always research and post if someone sends me something.

    Third, the interesting part of this is that, with two exceptions, your active admins are so fucking useless! Nephele loves the sound of her own voice far too much and Krusty... well his English isn't great but he's got a pretty good excuse for that, but the rest of them are less use than windscreen wipers on a submarine.

    Now I know the UESP administration has decided to stamp out all signs of dissent with a mixture of arrogance and unjustified blocks, but since you can't be blocked for what you say on a different site, can't you at least admit how useless they are? Grow a fucking backbone for chrissake.

    Eshe is only an admin because rpeh thought he stood a chance of getting his cock sucked. She has never shown any talent and has never deserved to be an administrator.

  15. Okay, enough is enough. If you want to insult me, feel free, but leave Eshe out of it.

    We had a brief Internet-only relationship. It was fun and then it ended. We met once after it was over and spent a rather embarrassing evening having dinner and a chat. That was it. I went out for a drink with SerCenKing a few weeks ago too. Perhaps you can weave an amusing anecdote about that into your next idiocy?

    I nominated Eshe because she was a great editor. I'm sure she still is. There will always be times when people aren't in the mood for writing huge additions to articles, and while I'll agree that some of the GQ tags weren't really needed, adding them harmed nothing.

    Lastly, I'll remind you that when Eshe and I became involved, she lived in Illinois, USA (it's on her user page so I'm not breaching any confidences here) and I was in London, England. I've occasionally been accused of having a big ego. True - it's because I'm so fucking good. But not even I have ever claimed to have a 4,000-mile long cock.

    It's only 1,000 miles long.

  16. TIber: Good response to the anon.

    Rpeh: Good response to Tiber at the end there. Made me LOL.

    This is why I like reading UESP Watch. If I am having a shitty day, someone is saying something to make me laugh. Keep up the good work, guys :)

  17. Some interesting comments for once...

    Okay, in order. I don't believe Rpeh. Snowname... glad I can help. Anon... I'd like a translation into English.

    More detail. Rpeh opposed RobinHood's recent RfA because he hadn't completed a "Great Work". The only "Great Work"s that Eshe has ever done was the splitting up of Oblivion official mod pages into mod/quest/place pages, and I know for a fact that the idea for that came from Rpeh and that his reason for suggesting it to Eshe came because he heard people were unsure about Eshe because she hadn't done anything big.

    Are you going to deny any of that, Rpeh?

    The anon's point seems to be that it doesn't matter whether or not Rpeh was hoping to introduce his one-eyed monster to Illinois' finest and that people would have voted for Eshe anyway. I'm not so sure. Voting interest in her RfA was lower than the surrounding votes and even lower when you exclude votes from people that only wanted to fuck her - Rpeh and Playjex.

    She seems to fall into the category of well meaning but largely talentless admins, along with TheRealLurlock and Ratwar.

    I would like to hear opinions defending Eshe, but nobody seems to be prepared to do that except Rpeh, and I think we all know why he's interested.

  18. don't forget he went after GuildKnight too lol

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  21. See, this is what I'm talking about. Your blog would be much better if you weren't so damn lazy.

  22. The "Romeo and Trolliot" blog?

  23. one email and you think it's a story?

    dude raise your standards


  24. Tiber, you find any little reason to insult someone from a public site on this public blog, and you're calling these comments dickish?

  25. Wow! I usually only lurk on this blog, but seeing my name mentioned in an entry made me feel reeeal speshool!

    To defend my edit, if I wanted to leave it for someone else to check it I would have placed a {{fact}} template, but, rather, I was more interested in finding out where that piece of info actually came from. I've seen it before and it has always been bugging me. I haven't played Oblivion much, so didn't get a chance to hear all those lovely rumors (that are nowhere to be found on the site, and thus couldn't be found via search). And some of the things in the article are STILL left unanswered.

    On the subject, unlike other admins who return only to cast a monosyllabic vote, Eshe is actually doing something. I mean, I doubt that my question would received much attention if it wasn't flagged as such (trust me, it wouldn't have). Also my cock is 2,000 miles long. Ha!

    Ahem. Now that that's out of the way:

