Thursday, 29 October 2009
Short post I know. I just wanted to justify the nickname I gave her.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Can This be True?
I still haven't made my mind up whether I believe Rpeh or not. My head says "he did it" but my heart says "why would he?". Either way, I don't think there's any way The Great Deceiver can work with Elliot the Thick. If the only way Rpeh can come back is by The Powers That Be kicking out EtT.... I can't see it happening. As my last post pointed out, there's not enough activity from other admins at the moment. If Rpeh came back, they would need to be looking over their shoulder all the time.
Can't see it happening... but it's still interesting!
Nephele is on an epic wiki-break. Rpeh has left. Wrye has left (did anybody notice?). Rawtwat is doing nothing except being vicious. Eshe.... welcomes people, warns people... but that's about it. Even GuildKnight seems to have vanished. Just as well the Last Good Admin is around.
Seriously, it's him and a couple of n00b patrollers right now. Since Elliot the Thick has vanished lately, why not get Rpeh back? He was a PITA but at least he made sure the content was accurate... often to the point of OCD and beyond.
My Identity Revealed!
I'm Nephele.
Now I know nobody's going to believe that... and rightly so.
I'm Rpeh.
"No!", scream the Daedryon believers. Well okay... I'll come clean.
I'm Elliot, and I have a huge problem with self-loathing.
Just joking.
I'm Daedryon.
I'm Voice of Reason.
I'm Benny220.
I'm doing this as an example of why it's pointless to tell you who I am because you're only going to accept the name if it's one you already agree with. There's no point coming up with a name that won't settle the debate either way so just call me "Tiber Septim" and stop bothering me.
A Diamond and Three Bits of Glass
Anyway. To prove that I'm not just negative, today's post will be saying nice things about ^CEshe^V. Of course, there will still be the usual bile about the three morons of the apocalypse, Elliot the Thick, Rawtwat the Vicious and Elliot's Bitch.
As I pointed out earlier, EtT broke several pages when he (for no reason at all) added categories to the sub-templates used by the Chart template. EtT evidently reads the site (one word at a time, carefully sounding out each letter as it appears, no doubt) because he finally decided to do something about it. Undo his changes? Err... no. Fix his changes so the spacing worked? Err... no. He changed each affected page instead (that's not all of them but I can't be bothered doing the lot).
There's a fairly obvious problem with this approach. As the Chart Template says, it was copied from Wikipedia and differs from WP's version in two specific ways. Now there's a third, undocumented difference that will, I guarantee it, come back to annoy people later on.
What happens next? An anon pops up on Elliot's talkpage namechecking this blog (thanks! - how about a link next time?) and suggesting, perfectly reasonably, that EtT fix the problem rather than papering over the cracks. In typical EtT style, he simply deletes the post, with the rather odd edit summary "I have already told you once, please leave it alone". Where did he tell anybody about this? Who knows.
After that it's a pretty standard edit war. The anon reverts, saying "You haven't "told" me anything. Please can you tell me why you are not fixing the template?" and then adds a followup pointing out that not fixing the underlying problem could damage things. EtT deletes both comments ("it's nice to see you really like playing this game" - an ironic edit summary for the site's biggest edit-warrer) and back comes the anon ("Failure to debate shows a failure of intellect. Please respond constructively").
At this point, Elliot's Bitch RobinHood70 steps in and removes the comments ("rv trolling"). How many times do I have to tell you, EB, that politely pointing out a problem and asking a question is not trolling. EB defines trolling as "anything I don't like", which illustrates why he isn't suitable as a patroller. The anon reverts ("Please learn to distinguish between trolling and people TRYING to be HELPFUL") and tries to explain further what the problem is, while also posting on EB's page asking what he thinks he's doing. Now we get TWO edit wars!
EB reverts both posts, yet again moaning about TOR users. Anon comes back on both ("FIX THE PROBLEM! Don't BURY it!" and "Answer, please"). EB reverts one, EtT reverts on EB's page ("you are way out of line") and we have a series of other reverts with helpful edit comments from EtT like "adorable", "sigh" and "eventually you will comprehend it" and foot-stamping from the anon ("you broke the pages - please explain why. Stop deleting this.")
Finally, ^CEshe^V steps in. She tells the anon, EtT and EB to grow up and stop warring. The anon agrees and requests an answer once more... to the sound of silence. Later on, Rawtwat the Vicious steps in and blocks all the IPs used by the anon. So much for debate.
Eshe stopped the edit war and did so by telling all the participants off, which is the fair and proper thing to do. She also scolded EtT for the sarcastic edit summaries. Marks to Eshe for that one.
Notice, though, that nobody has fixed the actual problem or bothered to respond to the anon. That's one of the problems with UESP these days - the staff are almost all convinced of their infallibility. The template is broken. If one type of valid wiki syntax works with a template and another breaks it, it's a problem with the template. It needs fixing.
Wow. Long post. Before anybody wittily posts that I need to get a life, I should point out that I've been away for three days doing just that or I'd have posted this earlier.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Interview With a Vicious Thug
Notice that the interview doesn't contain a picture, unlike other such interviews. Having seen a picture of Rawtwat I can't say I'm surprised. The phrase "ugly scrawny speccy twat" doesn't even come close. Not only will he never know the touch of a woman, it seems he's unlikely to know the sight of a paycheck either, as he's still unemployed despite graduating a couple of months ago. Before resigning himself to a life of welfare cheese and cardboard boxes I'm sure there are some things he could try his hand at.
Elliot pwned yet again
The latest incident started when new user BrastaSeptim (no user or talk page so I'm linking to the contribs) created a new fanfic called the "Jewel of Selvir" in the Oblivion namespace. Fanfiction is almost all so unutterably tedious that I haven't read it but a central part of the story is that Tiber Septim (the emperor - not me) had a second child, Brasta. The user, displaying the sort of intelligence level displayed by 99% of UESP users, created a Lore page for this new child and decided to add the information to Tiber Septim's Lore page and add his fanfic to the list of books.
Pretty stupid so far, but largely excusable as new users are often unaware of How Things Work. Luckily, real stupid is close at hand. In comes Elliot the Thick. He prods the two new pages as "nonsense" and then reverts the edits to the Lore pages with the same edit summary. At this point, up pops an anon and leaves an absolutely beautiful post on EtT's talk page. In fact, I'm going to quote it here because it's so good:
Please do not call edits such as this and this nonsense. They might be fan-fiction and therefore incorrectly placed, but they are '''not''' nonsense and you are violating the good faith policy by calling them such. The correct response would be to move the fiction pages to the a subpage of the user's space and leave a ''polite'' message on their talk page. If you require any further help with good patroller practice, I suggest you read the relevant policy pages. Kind regards.
Now first off, that wasn't me. Trolling UESP and then writing about the responses would be like shooting fish in a barrel. This blog is about the idiocy of the patrollers and admins that they come up with all by themselves.
Next, notice the tone of that post. It's perfectly polite, well-phrased and utterly accurate. EtT was totally wrong to act in the way he did. So do we think EtT will post an apology and move the pages? Not on your life. In typical EtT, bury the past, fingers in ears style, he simply deletes the post.
Meanwhile, a new account called MistakeFixer has been created (presumably by the anon). It proceeds to move the pages into the correct places, propose the resulting redirects for deletion, remove the incorrect prod from the moved article and reinstate the post on EtT's talk page with the summary "you were wrong. At least have the guts to reply".
Elliot the Thick responds in typical fashion, removing the post again and saying "I have every right to remove comments on my talk page, stop harassing" - despite having just harassed a new user by proposing their posts for deletion. MistakeFixer re-adds it, with the (inaccurate) comment "not here you don't" and finally EtT's bitch RobinHood70 removes it for good.
MistakeFixer then posts a perfectly polite and reasonable complaint about EtT's behaviour on the admin noticeboard that basically says EtT doesn't know what he's doing and should be removed. No argument from me on that score. The response? Rawtwat the Vicious warns MistakeFixer and reverts his complaint with no feedback anywhere. And they wonder why I call him vicious?
This series of events goes to prove what I've been saying all along. Elliot the Thick is incompetent and needs to be removed as a patroller. Rawtwat the Vicious is out of control and also needs to be removed. And RobinHood70 is desperate, desperate, to be an admin.
(Very) Late - Elliot Breaks the Site
EtT's cockup has broken any page that uses the chart in a table. Well done, EtT! You really are an idiot, aren't you?
Monday, 19 October 2009
The Sound of Silence
Three whole days and nobody's done anything. Sure there was a stupid section-protection from Elliot the Thick who evidently can't understand the concept of dynamic IP addresses and we've had the usual Welcome Spam from ^CEshe^V but beyond that, almost nothing.
Timenn, the Last Good Administrator, chipped in earlier with a slew of good edits (although WTF was this one about? The edit summary of "Why do you disagree?" doesn't seem to make sense) but otherwise it's been too quiet. Come on people! Surely it's time for EtT to fuck up another template?
That's two more nicknames decided: LGA for Timenn and ^CEshe^V for Eshe (since 95% of her edits involve copy/paste or existing templates). My lucky off-the-cuff name for Rpeh - The Great Deceiver - strikes me as pure brilliance so I'm sticking with that. For Nephele I'm going for The Pious, since she always had a More Wiki Than Thou attitude that couldn't have been more annoying if she stood next to you and sang off-key Bee Gees songs into your ear while you read her self-absorbed, overlong posts. She's been quiet recently though. Since she's so obviously after a place on the MediaWiki development team, there may be scope for a more appropriate name there.
That leaves just G(?:uild)?K(?:night)? in the admins (Wrye, if he deserves a mention at all, will get "Monkey Man"). I'm not sure what do with GK so suggestions are welcome. Nothing too insulting because if it wasn't for Timenn, she'd probably get the LGA nick.
After that there are the quartet of new(ish) patrollers: Krusty, SerCenKing, WGB and Dlarsh. All four seem pretty decent so far, although you have to worry about Krusty's OCD. Suggestions welcome there too.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Elliot and Redundancy
GuildKnight suggested a Novels namespace for the upcoming Elder Scrolls books. In Elliot's world, that's redundant. To keep it simple, there should be a namespace for each book.
First, he needs to read the dictionary because he obviously has no idea what the word redundant means. Here are the two relevant definitions from
- characterized by verbosity or unnecessary repetition in expressing ideas
- characterized by superabundance or superfluity
Third, Volanaro in Morrowind and Oblivion are two different people. Annaig in book one will be the same as Annaig in book two. No need to have two different pages. There may, however, be a need for a Lore page. Annaig's words and deeds in the books may not turn out to be the totality of
Fourth, he says UESP has a namespace for each mobile game. It doesn't. Only Shadowkey has one.
Fifth, these are books, not games. In the games, you can list lots of information about a character without spoiling anything. With the novels, you're pretty much going to have to quote every damn thing they do - which is going to cause copyright problems as well as ruining the books completely.
In other words, Elliot the Stupid has fully justified his sobriquet once again.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Adult Content
It also means I can stand tall and say that Elliot the Thick is a fucking moron without having to spread asterisks all over the place.
Ah. I feel much better for that.
Rawtart Learn English Good!
There's no doubt that Kirkbride wrote the the Seven Fights of the Aldudagga (and it's a typical piece of unreadable crap from him) so it's not a rumour!
I may as well say that it's rumoured there won't be any clouds around tonight - such as the ones that aren't there.
Rawtart - I understand that you're jealous Elliot the Thick gets the "the Thick" while you get lumbered with "the Vicious", and this is a good attempt to grab that particular accolade for yourself, but you're going to have to work a lot harder. You're obviously very thick but I'm afraid Elliot is far, far thicker than you so definitely deserves the title. Perhaps you could try making shit-loads of edits to a template to effect a change that nobody wants? Or claim to be a grammar nazi and then get phrases like "nip it in the bud" wrong but when called out on it still claim to be right because you're an ignorant piece of shit who can never admit to being wrong. (Zero Google hits for that one, EtT)
More Elliot Template Stupidity
Message to Elliot the Thick: Use a sandbox you f***ing moron. 18 edits to make a change so simple it could be made just as easily by smashing your head into a keyboard is ridiculous. At the moment, almost every page on the site that uses that template is totally messed up for anonymous users. In other words, you broke the site you ignorant twit.
The net effect is to allow the header to be removed on pages with several sets of quest stages. Yet again, this is something that Elliot the Thick hasn't discussed anywhere - it's another of his own worthless opinions. He's now going through various quest pages, increasing his edit count by adding "header=no" to them. We have yet to see whether he f***ks up, for instance, the Sleepers Awake or Citadels of the Sixth House pages, where there are so many quests that keeping the headers in place is rather helpful.
Why is Elliot the Thick being allowed to get away with stuff like this?
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Going Down
It's getting to the point where it would be easier to list the uptime than the downtime. Given the downtime problems, the database loss problems, the people-getting-old-versions-of-pages problems and god only knows what else, I'm surprised the site has held together as well as it has.
Daveh posted some new news today (about 5 hours after I'd already ordered my copy of the first novel) - should he not be spending more time fixing his decidedly unreliable servers? [I'll add links later - obviously the site is still down right now]
Glad to be of Service II
Glad to be of Service
Taking Your Own Medicine
EtT, hypocrite that he is, simply deletes the comment, and Ratwar the Vicious blocks the IP for being a proxy. No sense of humour, these people.
The original cause is worth looking at too. EtT doesn't actually do any work of his own, rather he messes around with the work of other people, moulding it to suit himself. He never asks anybody else about his changes either, just ploughs through the wiki imposing his judgement on other people. His method is anathema to the whole wiki idea. On Wikipedia, there are enough admins with enough courage to tell him off. On UESP, none of the admins have the stones to do so, bunch of gutless wonders that they are.
Message to all UESP admins: Elliot the Thick is screwing up your site. Get rid of him now.
New Name for Elliot the Thick?
When I made yesterday's post, I was trying to come up with a good final line when the thought occurred that I could engage in a little experimentation. "Could I", I mused, "get a response from EtT given that he can never stop himself rising to the bait on UESP?" So I added what I knew to be an incorrect statement in the last line and sat back to watch. Lo and behold, out comes Elliot the Thick with a link to the WP policy page in question. The new name for Elliot is "Elliot the Thick and Predictable".
A couple of points here. First, if you think I'm making this up - you will find that I turned anonymous comment posting on immediately after making that post because I knew the snivelling little git would only post anonymously. Second, I've been an administrator on Wikipedia since before your testicles descended (always assuming...) so I'm well aware of the policy. Third, this is exactly why Elliot is unsuitable for any kind of role on a wiki - he can't help arguing with people more intelligent than him (ie, 100% of the population plus about 50% of the world's species of fruit).
And in case you're wondering - no I'm not changing his name, although "Elliot the Really Thick" might work.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Obnoxious Everywhere
For instance, when a user tells him off for being his usual rude and obnoxious self, EtT simply reverts his comment. You're not supposed to censor opinions on talk pages, dear boy.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Activity is all Relative
Number of posts by Ratwar in the month since then: 55, a total that includes really helpful additions such as this and this (note that he doesn't even bother adding the date to the unsigned tag).
Mind you, since Ratwar can't spell and doesn't know what he's talking about most of the time, that's probably for the best.
Hubris - Elliot Style
Elliot's addiction to power is well known, but the way he's now lording it over people is unacceptable. When is an admin going to give him the slap he deserves?
Debate - Elliot Style
Remember that this was a properly-discussed project that Elliot has decided to remove unilaterally and without discussion. Instead, he explains what he's done after he's done it. As SerCenKing says in his reply, "Next time give me a warning though". It's not the first time he's done things like this either. How about this on the Deletion Review page, for instance? For some reason, other editors let the pointless little idiot get away with this.
Of course, Elliot is too thick to realise that instead of altering the NPC Summary template to add a category listing all the NPCs with pronunciation on them, then editing each NPC to remove it, he could have simply edited the template to stop displaying the pronunciation.
It's pretty obvious now that Elliot is only interested in getting up the Active Users list. He has never done anything useful on UESP and probably never will.
Friday, 9 October 2009
NPC Summary Silliness
What has he added?
First, the EditorId (a totally useless piece of information in-game) has been added and judged important enough to be displayed in the title bar of the infobox.
Second, a "temporary" category called Oblivion-NPCs_with_Pronunciation that lists the poor NPCs that were victims of Eshe and Playjex's godawful pronunciation drive a while back.
That EditorId change is pretty important, so let's see where Elliot the Thick discussed it with his fellow editors. Odd... there's nothing on the talk page... there's nothing on the Community Portal... and there's nothing on the Administrator Noticeboard either. In other words, it's yet another private project of EtT's that he's adding without talking to anybody and without realising that it's totally and utterly useless.
Finally, did he really have to hit the server 6 times to add his pet rubbish? There's the TestNPCSummary template that Gaebrial created because (in his own words) "Recreated this page for testing changes to actual template, so it doesn't slow the server down". It has since been used by Gaebrial himself, Rpeh and... Elliot the Thick! That means he knew it existed but still chose to hit the server because of changes nobody else wants. He really is thick.
UPDATE: So it turns out the pronunciation category is to list NPCs who have it so it can be removed, and that "A future discussion will take place". As opposed to a future discussion that has already taken place, or a discussion in the past that is yet to happen, perhaps? I wonder why he didn't just get Rpeh to run RoBoT to get the list? Oh that's right - Rpeh isn't there any more, leaving the site essentially bot-less since Nephele can't be bothered anymore.
Irony Toned Down
Now recall that RobinHood70 has been editing since 30 May 2006 and has been a patroller since 28 April 2008. So you'd expect him to be Recent Changes-savvy enough to have spotted the auto summaries before now? Apparently not.
Tail between his legs, RH tones down the warning.
Remember that this is the man who definitely doesn't want to be an admin right now. With all the policy violations recently, that's probably just as well.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Why I Left
Having been told off for being nasty to n00bs I decided it wasn't worth the hassle. Instead, I have watched from afar - occasionally making a post here or there - and it's been far more rewarding and less damaging. Just look at Nephele's decline from helpful editor to bitch; Rpeh's decline from... well, helpful editor to bitch; Wrye... did the same; Ratwar... well he was bitch from day one so doesn't fit. Basically, everybody who takes the site too seriously ends up bitter and twisted. I guess that means next to go will be Eshe, although since fairly solid rumour says she informed Rpeh of their breakup with this edit, she's already gone past "bitch" and into some new territory hitherto inhabited only by the very worst Hollywood celebs. I'd appreciate info on that one from Eshe or Rpeh should they be watching!
EDIT: Oops - forgot Rpeh's response to Eshe's dumping. The Latin edit summary ("Omnia mutantur; nihil interit") means "Everything changes; nothing is destroyed".
And I went off topic pretty badly. Well let's just say "Stercus accidit".
Here's a typical post from somebody who can be excused (an anon in this case). Instead of reading the project guidelines, Krusty, who can be expected to know better these days, "confirms" the post. SerCenKing, who can also be expected to know better, chimes in and then Wolok gro-Barok, who can ALSO be expected to know better, almost gets the point... but not quite.
At the moment we're left with SerCenKing doing all the necessary research except for reading the necessary page (I know I've linked to it twice but this seems to be necessary).
What's worrying here is that all three of the editors I've named are Patrollers. That's why I harped on about expecting them to know better. I mean, have these people never heard about the OPRP? Sure Nephele began it in 1734 and then did f**k all about it except delete other people's contributions but the banners for the damn thing still infest almost every place page so you would expect a patroller to have at least looked at the damn thing.
Further proof, if it was required, that UESP is going down the tubes.
Easter Egg Stupidity
Let's take a look at the latest one to appear on UESP. First, note that UESP's resident Mr Stupid, Ratwar, is OCD enough to spot the missing period from the new note, but not that the post refers to the wrong fairy tale - something fixed by another anon.
And so far, that's where it stands.
Well please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall Snow White dropping dead due to what UESP describes as "Deadly Poison (Script Effect)". Could both my memory and Wikipedia be wrong when both state that she falls asleep (or into a "deep stupor" as WP puts it)?
Or could it be the sort of incorrect, "Look at me!" useless, non-easter egg that Rpeh would have removed without blinking?
If this is the sort of rubbish that UESP is going to accept now, then the site is in more trouble than I realised.
Irony Alert!
Mr Pot, meet Mr Kettle.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Ratwar - more stupid
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Dramatis Personae: Ratwar
Ratwar gained his position as an admin by... err... well nobody seems to know. He gained his role as a mod over at the Bethesda forums by... err... well nobody seems to know.
That sums up most of Ratwar's career - nobody thinks he deserves the positions he holds, but anybody who questions him will be punished somehow.
I'm not going to spend any time on his power abuse on the official forums because this is UESPwatch, but Ratwar really loves to abuse power when he gets the chance. The most recent example, which didn't work, is when he blocked Rpeh and only then started a debate about Rpeh's status. Of course, Ratwar isn't very bright and didn't realise that Rpeh (who was still an admin) could simply unblock himself, but that didn't stop him. His next target was Dr Jones, who he blocked for making encrypted comments about other users.
The trouble is, of course, that Ratwar is so dim that he obviously failed to realise his block would stop Dr Jones from fixing the problem - something he had obviously tried to do by turning the comments from plaintext into Rot13.
As a final way of teabagging, RW posts a sarcastic message on Dr Jones' talk page just to rub in the fact that he's blocked now.
Having established the fact that Rawtwat is a thick, vicious, idiot let's look back through his wiki contribs to find something useful.
Hmm... one or two news items...
...the occasional piece of vandalism reverted...
Nope. He's d0ne a total of f**k all on UESP but still somehow ended up as an admin.
There's a reason why, and it will be revealed later!
Monday, 5 October 2009
Robin Hood 2
Well that didn't take long!
First, the Hood's paranoia shows on his talk page then he takes it to the Administrator Noticeboard again, where first one, then two users tell him to leave it alone, followed up by more bleatings from RH that serve only to indicate how stupid he is.
Getting fed up with his previous Noticeboard post being ignored, RH then sticks his tongue firmly up Nephele in an attempt to get her to listen to him.
RobinHood - people are going to tell you when you're breaking policy whether you want them too or not. The best solution is not to do it.
UPDATE! First Timenn then Eshe say that they would also prefer to obey policy rather than just unilaterally delete stuff they don't like from user's pages. Of course that means that the green-tighted one needs another couple of whines over the admin noticeboard. Perhaps now everybody has told him they think he's wrong, he'll STFU.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Robin Hood! Steals from the Anons!
Robin Hood! Robin Hood! Riding Through the Glen!
Robin Hood! Robin Hood! With his band of men!
Well the first entry of our dramatis personae turns out to be a non-admin, which I certainly hadn't expected when I created the blog. Instead, we have RobinHood70 - a patroller who definitely does not want to be an admin.
Unfortunately, his quest to definitely not be an admin seems to keep hitting speedbumps courtesy of various anon editors who point out that he violates policy when it suits him. For instance, he deletes a recent talk page comment on the grounds that it's old and wrong. An anon points out that talk pages should be left alone. RH disagrees because it's "old, anonymous and also wrong", so the anon replies that it's less than a month old and that, again, talk page posts shouldn't be deleted. The anon also points out on RobinHood70's talk page that those criteria could be used to delete 90% of the site's talk pages.
RobinHood70 = pwn3d
Of course, he doesn't like that so adds a petty post to the Administrator's Noticeboard saying that people who don't agree with him should be banned as trolls.
Nobody agrees... or even replies.
Well... you'd have thought he would have learned a lesson. But.... no. Now RH turns his fire on the old message on Dagoth Ur, Mad God's user page, and requests comments on his user page. Another IP duly reverts the change and spanks him for making it.
Will RobinHood70 learn that he doesn't have free range over other user's pages, or article talk pages? Stay tuned!
Baby Steps
This is the first of what I hope will be a regular series of posts about UESP - the Unoffocial Elder Scrolls Pages.
There has been a worrying trend away from the wiki-ethos on that site recently and I want to keep an eye on what happens there, and on the people who make it happen.
I also plan to make a series of posts about regular editors, so let me know if you have a particular favourite you want to highlight!