As part of the current drive to get square images on all NPC pages, Gemellus' page had a tag that said "This article could benefit from an image that is square, showing more of the NPC". New user Walbert decided to help by uploading the tall image shown here and changing the page to use the new image. Unsurprisingly, Southern Belle reverts it with the reason "not square". Not discouraged, Walbert tries again and uploads the tiny square image and changes the page again. SB still doesn't like it as it "shows less of NPC, not more". You can't really fault her logic here.
Unfortunately, Walbert isn't happy and takes it to her talk page. SB replies politely, Walbert replies again, totally missing the point, then Herschel and Lucius pop in with fairly helpful comments too. Walbert finally gets it and uploads a reasonable version before making one last whine: "I'm honestly left wondering how a generally helpful resource like UESP can be so unhelpful to those who wish to contribute".
Now I love to criticise UESP when I can, but in this case I can't. The tag was perfectly clear about what was wanted and three people made helpful comments to expand. If you're not bright enough to read then don't take it out on other people.