Monday 1 February 2010

Southern Belle Goes a'Snoopin'

It looks to me as if GK (and I've decided to call her Southern Belle because it's time she had a nickname) has been trying to work out who I am. Why do I say this? Because suddenly Timmeh, who hadn't made a post since 1 October 2009 and had only made three since the end of June, pops up on her talk page and posts a message titled "Response to Email" that claims he hasn't even heard of me. I'm hurt! Southern Belle's response also seems to suggest that she asked him if he was me.

No, I'm not Timmeh. But then... if I was, would I admit it?



    SerCenKing kicks butt!

  2. You wouldn't play a trick on lil' ol' me, would you? ;)

    Truthfully, you seemed funny enough to be Timmeh, so I thought I'd ask. I never imagined he'd respond on my talk page, though... oh, well.

    Oh, and thanks for the nickname; I was startin' to feel left out!

  3. My pleasure, and welcome to the blog!

    Just one question... "Secret Diaries of a Love Hobbit"?

  4. Oh, it's a Ratwar/Eshe blog started when this one started. Three or four posts and nothing else.

  5. That must be a real laugh - one editor making vicious posts and the other responding with passive aggression?

  6. Credit where it's due: that just made me laugh out loud!

  7. Oh - while I remember, thanks to the anon for the note about SerCenKing (or LTS as I should call him). I had seen the post and was already writing one of my own, but it's good to see people submitting stuff too.

  8. wat are they dating now???

  9. I doubt it. Rawtwat's face scares small children.

  10. I heard they are, too.
