Sunday 31 January 2010

TGD Screws Up Again

In a series of 11 edits, Rpeh tested his new big idea for the NPC Summary template... then made a load of other templates that it would use (including one that must have taxed him to the limit). This went on for some time... until he undoes it all in one edit, presumably in a fit of pique.

This is probably related to the long-standing task on rpeh's user page that says "Time to separate out the game-specific stuff into sub-templates that get used by one central one." Since when, though, does one game-specific template become three?

No wonder he reverted it.


  1. Finally, Tiber writes! Took you long enough.

  2. There has not been much of interest to write about. Even this one is a bit weak. Truth is, I haven't had the time to check out all the changes recently.

    If anybody wants to email me with anything (and hasn't worked out who I am yet), you can contact me at


    Daedryon and Tyler Warren lose again.

  4. Absolutely right. What happens on that appallingly unfunny site is of no interest to me.

  5. Hahahahahahahahahahaha win

    MDS in 2012!

  6. No... we're just telling you that your pet articles are fucking awful.

    If people were commenting on the talk page of your articles, you could claim a win. They aren't. They're on my blog, so the winnitude is totally with me.

    If you could rewrite the UESP and UESPwatch articles so they at least contain one funny joke, or at the very least, conform to the rules of basic grammar, that would be great. Thanks.

  7. A grammar comment? is that you rpeh?

  8. Dude. Just because you can't figure out basic grammar, everyone who can is rpeh? Go back to kindergarten, I hear they teach capitalization...

  9. really? maybe I they can learn me real good.

    Dur dah dur

  10. The only reason anybody talks about your grammar, Elliot, is that you called yourself a "grammar nazi" ( Once you do that, you're going to get laughed at each time you make a mistake. And you make so many of them.

  11. why do you love elliot so much? seems you cant stop talking about him
