Tuesday 18 January 2011

Rpeh... the vicious?

It's true that The Great Deceiver has a habit of being a bit of a dick, but in the absence of anything else worth reporting, let's look at a couple of his latest talk page comments.

I had to flick back through a few pages for this, but it seems this edit was the one that raised TGD's hackles. I can't see why... it added something new to a page that didn't have much info. TGD's response was "learn what phonetic means", which it has to be said is a fair comment. Undoing the text was a bit stupid, though, since it served to show the link between the runes of the Dragon Language and the Latin letters. If you wanted to delete anything, it would have made more sense to delete the translation then link to the Dragon Language page for it.

The discussion moved to TGD's talk page, where Debatra made the point that it might be useful to include the trans-literation as well as the translation (Debatra didn't use the long words - that is just me proving my superiority). The Albino Idiot added its view, before the expected put-down from TGD, reply from Debatra, and final response from TGD.

There's nothing particularly notable about this except that TGD got so defensive. What's the big deal? Surely it makes sense to include the interim form as well as the translation? Why get so upset?


  1. Your Only Reader Left22 January 2011 at 02:37

    A better question is, why do you keep posting? You don't have a readership anymore, all you post about now is THE PLIGHT OF TEH N00BS and OMG ALL TEH ADMINS ARE ARSEHOLES, or OMG ALL TEH N00BS ARE STOOPID. Honestly, I did not post this to be insulting, but to tell you that, at this stage, it's probably worth leaving for something more productive. Obviously, no-one is listening, so why bother? Even with hypocrisy "rife", surely there are more interesting things on the web! One thing's for sure though: no-one's really valuing your opinions.

  2. And yet here you are. It's astonishing that you knew to show up and post despite the fact that you aren't reading.

  3. Your Only Reader Left23 January 2011 at 09:22

    What an illogical retaliation. I assumed that by my username you would be able to deduce that I was your only reader left. My post addressed how tired I myself was of this place and perhaps also hint explicitly that it may be time to move on. I honestly do not see how I could have been any less subtle at all.

  4. I honestly do not see how I could have been any more clear that I don't give a damn what you think. I know people are still reading whether you want to believe that or not.

  5. There are hit counters and such available for Blogger. It's a safe bet that TS knows how many hits he gets. He may know where they're from too.

  6. I know I'm getting visitors but I don't know who they are.

  7. I just keep coming on to see when you'll finally give up on this hopeless blog... face it, without Elliot you have nothing to do except nitpick at random events.

  8. And that's why I don't post as much as I used to.
