Wednesday 10 March 2010

It's About Time

Finally, the patience of other users has been exhausted by Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick's behaviour.

It began with Lucius Tarquinius Superbus who in a brief (sarcasm) post outlined most of the case against him. Southern Belle follows up and suggests allowing EtOT to resign first (what's the point? Resign or be demoted anyway isn't much of a choice). Serial annoyance MEG pops up again with a confused series of posts and agrees, then Elliot's Bitch The Editor With an Out of Date Name demonstrates that he needs a new nickname.

So far, EtOT is only facing calls for his patroller rights to be stripped. Nobody has yet responded to Timenn's call for comments on the mutual block-fest from Saturday. Nothing yet from The Great Deceiver either. Presumably his response is going to be several megabytes long and will crash the server when he posts it. I can't believe he's going to remain silent on this one.


  1. Wow way off 3 lines. he has officially resigned


    It's over; it's finally over. I just wondering how long Elliot can keep himself off the wiki. Both RobinHood and rpeh claimed to have retired, but they both came back. Perhaps Elliot will follow in their footsteps?

  3. Another typical Elliot comment there.

    It's going to make this site much less interesting but UESP will be a much better place.

  4. Rpeh, like you have any room to talk.

  5. I have plenty of room to talk. None of the posts I've made on this blog have been bile-filled rants packed with obscenity as that one was.

  6. Repeating the same comment with extra insults isn't an argument. Either make a point or go away. At the moment you're arguing just like Elliot, which isn't going to win anybody over.

  7. "It's going to make this site much less interesting but UESP will be a much better place."

    We were saying the same about you.

  8. UESP needs rpeh. Everything was falling apart without rpeh. In fact, most of the entries in this blog came from the era when rpeh wasn't at UESP. UESP needed the aid of rpeh and his bots.

    The only current problems that Tiber attributes to rpeh concern high job queues and questionable template modifications, and neither of those things seriously harm the site. rpeh has even apologized for some of his template screw-ups.

  9. There were maybe three people who were saying that UESP would be better off without me: Elliot, Ratwar and Eshe. The truth is that, with a partial exception for Eshe, none of those three had done anything useful for UESP recently.

    Whether or not you want to admit it, the site has made huge progress since I returned. I'm not even going to think of claiming all the credit for that because editors such as GK, Timenn, SerCenKing, Krusty, S'drassa, Corevette and many, many more have been instrumental. I am going to claim partial credit though, simply because the people who have thanked me for my contributions and help are too numerous to ignore.

    Now. To the anon who has the gall to use the word "we": either own up to who you are or shut up. You don't get to associate with others while remaining anonymous.

  10. @Elliot: Play nice or fuck off. If all you're going to do is insult other users, go and find somewhere else to do it. Any more comments like that will be deleted on sight. Capiche?

  11. Power hungry. I'm so scared! Delete my comments? What will I ever do?!?!?!

  12. It's not power - it's stopping you (or anyone else) making insulting, non-productive comments.

    I don't know and I don't care what you would do if I deleted your comments but I imagine it would be as pointless as everything else you do.

  13. Here's what I would do: Get on with my life. Shocking, I know.

  14. Rpeh, I wanted to say thank you for the above comment pairing me with those names. And Elliot, MDS is still a good-faith editor, as were you but not towards the end of your patrollership. I have no issue towards you and I hope maybe you will return without the arguments and the off-wiki comments like posted above.--Corevette789

  15. Corevette, who do you think you are? Go do your homework before mommy finds out you have been on the internet all day.

  16. Child jokes? Well maturity isn't age-dependent I guess.--Corevette789

  17. Elliot, how can you miss the irony of being ageist while (elsewhere) complaining of ageism?

    Why do you have to be so insulting all the time?

  18. Oh wait, where did I hear that line before...

    Timenn, is that you? Are you Tiber Septim?

    I think I discovered it!

  19. *yawn* Again with this?

  20. *yawn* Grow a dick and use your name.

  21. Do you have to be so routinely unpleasant, Elliot? Why?

  22. Because I'm just a bundle of roses and babies and things that smell good.

  23. This is so awesome!
