Tuesday 2 March 2010

The Unmasked Man

So it turns out that Joram was RobinHood70 all along. He "retired" back in mid December citing "recent events" and is now talking about "drama" being responsible.

At the time, RobinHood was working on his project to kill the Lore Dictionary articles, which he did, but what other drama was there? The big debate over Elliot the Thick's Editor Id template was going on (and somebody should really delete Template talk:NPC Editor ID - it's still there long after the template was deleted), but it looks to me like this discussion on the Admin Noticeboard was a bigger factor. Basically, EtT and RH seem to have had a falling out over the job queue. Both those discussions involved EtT, so is his continuing absence the reason for RH's return?

Is there more than that? Let me know, people.


  1. I won't get into what all the drama was as that would only risk bringing it all back up again—though in truth, you've documented most of it here anyway. As a Patroller, I was expected to be involved in a lot of it; as a regular user, I could step back from it completely and just ignore it, and that's exactly what I did. I intend to continue that trend with my return.

    The main reasons behind my decision to return to being RobinHood70 at this time are that I didn't like the deception, and I've noticed a decline in the number of active admins and patrollers and I didn't want to add to that burden with my own edits.

  2. It appears that UESP is becoming interesting again.
