Sunday 12 August 2012

Gold Medal for being rubbish

Once again Daveh tries and fails to upgrade UESP's MediaWiki software. This is an obvious and transparant attempt to get support for his idea that he should be appointed editor-in-chief for life. Judging by the responses to the last thread, you sheep are happy to let him milk you for all you're worth.


  1. In America wouldn't it be about 4 or 5 pm? If so, shouldn't Daveh waited until 1 am so that most people aren't trying to edit the wiki while it experiences problems? Or am I missing something?

  2. Or, maybe it's possible that the MediaWiki upgrade failed on its own. It's like upgrading from Windows 98 directly to Windows 7 - do you seriously expect it to work on the first try?

  3. "An obvious and transparent attempt to get support for his idea that he should be appointed editor-in-chief for life"...

    Tiber, you are really looking for something to talk shit about, are you? He has failed a few times already, and he admits that it's a difficult thing to do. Even I'm siding with you that the several upgrades he missed is the reason it's difficult, but I still honestly can't see how this is an attempt to solidify support for him being in charge. Care to elaborate? Or, perhaps just get over whatever apparent hatred you have, move on, and maybe give some productive advice on how to run the wiki since apparently your smart ass knows what's happening better than the one in charge... Tell me something... How is YOUR wiki going? Don't worry, I'll wait...

  4. Snowmane you forget that this viper strikes with or without cause. Don't make the mistake of attributing sense to tabloids.

    Still, he's got a point, Tiber. All this Daveh-attacking is just starting to look petty. Make up something else to rage about and turn this blog back into what it used to be.

  5. UESPWatch was created to highlight the "chaos and hypocrisy at the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages", and since most editors have left the only thing worth commenting on is Daveh's antics.

    Snowmane, it's pretty obvious that Daveh is doing this as a way of saying "Oh it's so difficult! If only I could work full time on the site. Let me take your money now".

    Anon1, it's not the first try. Do your research.

  6. I'm sorry, but your argument hasn't convinced me. You only reworded and repeated what you posted.

  7. You never responded to my (Anon1's) argument.

    1. My mistake - you avoided the question. So, the fact that it failed in the same way *clearly* indicates that he did it intentionally in an attempt to make money. Yep, that logic is soundproof.

    2. Yep, 100%. Tiber is a god among men.


    3. You didn't make an "argument", you speculated.
