Tuesday 1 December 2009

Rawtart makes Another go for teh Stoopid

This is a bit out of date, but it's something I noticed a while ago anyway.

Rawtwat the Vicious can't spot the difference between an IP address and an account. Look at block notices like this, this, and this all state that a named account is really an IP address.

Look, Rawtwat, I know you're pretty stupid but you're gonna have to fight Elliot for the stupid moniker. If you really want, I can make your nickname "Rawtwat the Ugly and Vicious", but Elliot the Thick keeps his name for now. Okay?


  1. Of course you leave out the fact that the default block message says "IP adress" rather than "account". Whether this changes your opinion on whether he was stupid or just lazy, you should still consider giving your readers all the facts before you start slinging insults.

  2. See http://www.uesp.net/wiki/UESPWiki:Messages - right at the top it says 'Replace "this IP address" with "this account" if appropriate'. Doesn't say much for Rawtwat's reading skillz does it?
