Friday 18 December 2009

Rawtart Makes Sense! And then fails again

It's a well-known fact that even a broken clock is right twice a day, but when Rawtwat the Vicious makes a sensible point... well I don't know, since it's never happened before.

There's been a little spat between Elliot the Thick and DStebbins, an irritating little person who sprays his personal opinions over UESP like a farmer spreading cowshit on a field. DStebbins made the point that zero-weight items give an infinite "value ratio", which is what UESP calls value divided by weight. EtT removes the comment with the edit summary "you can divide by zero, so this make no sense", staking a further claim to his "Thick" label, but at least he followed up with "dummy edit; I meant can't divide by zero". There was also a whole discussion on EtT's talk page, where even the LGA missed the point.

Elliot (and Timenn), of course you can divide by zero. Wikipedia has a whole article on the topic, and maybe you should both read it.

It's left to Rawtwat to reinstate the point and explain why. Unfortunately, and remember that this is an admin, he doesn't know how to link to categories. No, not like this... or like this... and it takes new editor Nx to show the way. So close, Rawtar, and yet so far.

Thanks to the person who emailed me pointing this one out even though it dragged me out of my holiday. Yes - at least one person has worked out who I am.


  1. S'drassa is being nominated for Patroller status.

  2. Thanks, and sorry for the delay in replying. I noticed earlier and just wrote a post ( about it. If anybody else has news I've missed, please let me know!
