Wow! TES V: Skyrim has been announced! UESP is abuzz with what this means, but my thoughts are with whom we shall see crawling out of the woodwork. Will we see Rawtwat the Vicious and ^CEshe^V back? What about the three antediluvian admins, Wrye, Endareth and Garrett? Then there's the Legion of Departed Patrollers... how many of them will come back? As I post, it's 12/12/10. The game is due out on 11/11/11. So there's less than one year until the new release.
May you live in interesting times.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
A New Project
Having recently dismissed two projects for being silly ideas, The Great Deceiver has... created a new project. This seems to go back to an ancient argument between TheRealLurlock and TGD that partially concerned how the Quest Header template should be used. I can't find that discussion now so if anyone can supply a link, that would be great.
There's a relationship to be drawn between the age of a game and the quality of the UESP pages related to it. Mark game age on the X axis and quality on the Y, and then starting from a low base, the line rises to a peak with Morrowind and then trails off towards the Oblivion/SI end. There's an obvious reason for this, which is that the old games have nobody playing them and their content dates back to the pre-wiki days of UESP, while the Oblivion pages are infested by 12 year olds adding their favourite tips, however pointless they may be.
Morrowind is at the top of the quality scale because most of the content for the game was added after the site went wiki, but before all the children got involved. This tends to mean that most of the content is just as it should be - sparse, but accurate. People can find what they want without being drowned out by trivia. The only problem is that it's all been so sparse that useful information hasn't been added. It looks like this project might be a good way to fill in the major gaps.
Compare this to the silly "Add Far Too Much Fucking Information To The Oblivion NPC Pages Project" or OBNPCRP as its disciples call it. There's a line to be drawn between too much and too little information, but I would rather see things fall on the Morrowind side of that line.
There's a relationship to be drawn between the age of a game and the quality of the UESP pages related to it. Mark game age on the X axis and quality on the Y, and then starting from a low base, the line rises to a peak with Morrowind and then trails off towards the Oblivion/SI end. There's an obvious reason for this, which is that the old games have nobody playing them and their content dates back to the pre-wiki days of UESP, while the Oblivion pages are infested by 12 year olds adding their favourite tips, however pointless they may be.
Morrowind is at the top of the quality scale because most of the content for the game was added after the site went wiki, but before all the children got involved. This tends to mean that most of the content is just as it should be - sparse, but accurate. People can find what they want without being drowned out by trivia. The only problem is that it's all been so sparse that useful information hasn't been added. It looks like this project might be a good way to fill in the major gaps.
Compare this to the silly "Add Far Too Much Fucking Information To The Oblivion NPC Pages Project" or OBNPCRP as its disciples call it. There's a line to be drawn between too much and too little information, but I would rather see things fall on the Morrowind side of that line.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
New Patroller Vote
It looks like we will be getting a new patroller some time soon. Brf was nominated by TGD a few hours ago and already has 6 support votes so I doubt this ones going to end in defeat. From what I've seen, Brf looks like he'll be a good addition so I'm not going to argue with this one.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Nickname for Timenn
Okay, I alphabetised the list of nicknames mentioned in the previous post, but this serves to highlight one omission: I don't have a name for Timenn.
I'm going to give him the name Mary Jane (He's from the Netherlands - see the items section on this page and work it out) for now. Please comment or email with better suggestions.
I'm going to give him the name Mary Jane (He's from the Netherlands - see the items section on this page and work it out) for now. Please comment or email with better suggestions.
Monday, 29 November 2010
List of Nicknames
In the absence of anything interesting happening on the site, I've created a list of the nicknames I use. It should show up on the left from now on.
Don't get me wrong - it's good that things have quietened down. No more Elliot the Banned, Obnoxious and Thick, no more Rawtwat the Vicious, no more ^CEshe^V. Even the Queen of Trolls and Whining Little Bitch seem to have disappeared. Isn't life nice without that lot? Now the good editors can get on with improving content, adding new content and generally improving the site. That's the way it should be.
I'll be keeping an eye on things but hopefully 2011 will be a nicer year... unless the trolls come back with TESV.
Don't get me wrong - it's good that things have quietened down. No more Elliot the Banned, Obnoxious and Thick, no more Rawtwat the Vicious, no more ^CEshe^V. Even the Queen of Trolls and Whining Little Bitch seem to have disappeared. Isn't life nice without that lot? Now the good editors can get on with improving content, adding new content and generally improving the site. That's the way it should be.
I'll be keeping an eye on things but hopefully 2011 will be a nicer year... unless the trolls come back with TESV.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Go away, morons
There's been a spate of morons posting comments in the mistaken belief they are being amusing. They're apparently too stupid to notice that their comments aren't appearing. The reason for that is that comment moderation is on for posts over 7 days old, mainly so I can spot when people post things. I've now turned it on for all posts so that we won't be bothered by them. Hopefully, their mommies will call them in for tea soon so I can go back to allowing unmoderated comments to be posted.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
The Roleplaying articles on UESP have been the subject of many attempts at cleanup in the past. Southern Belle gave it a try some time ago, and Arch-Mage Matt has had another go recently. Currently there is a huge, huge, huge clusterfuck going on about the subject. Although there's plenty of chaos on this subject, there isn't any hypocrisy so I hadn't intended to write about it, but having received a couple of emails asking what I thought, I decided to chuck my hat into the ring and offer my views.
The important thing to remember is that the games in the TES series are Role-playing games. Even the early games contained RPG elements, but it was only when Morrowind and Oblivion appeared that you could honestly claim to have a fully open game. It is therefore only natural that people want to write about their roleplaying ideas and their experiences. I don't think anybody disagrees with what I've said so far.
The problem comes with how the information should be presented and how much information should be included. Let's say you want to live as a farmer. Obviously you need to live on or close to some farmland. Should a roleplay give that tip alone, or should it specify a farm? A farmer will obviously need to harvest ingredients, but should a roleplay specify how and when or simply mention the idea? Almost all the existing roleplays specify classes, birthsigns and skills. Are these genuinely required for a roleplay?
Why should roleplays be so prescriptive? Why does a mage have to be a Breton or an Altmer? There might only be one relevant orc in the mages guild but why does that mean nobody playing a mage can be an orc? You may not get many Bosmer as fighters, but why not make the fight against adversity part of your character's backstory?
The best idea I saw in the debate so far was one that said Roleplays should be one or two lines. Farmer would be something like "Tend your crops and fight off wild creatures to guarantee a harvest. Take your produce to town and sell it for the supplies you need" rather than a huge list of crap that is of no relevance.
Yes, TES is a roleplaying series so UESP should have roleplaying articles. On the other hand, anybody that needs to have the hand of their imagination held to the extent that the current articles encourage really shouldn't be trying to play a roleplaying game at all.
So what do I think? I think the system under vote at the moment will be a disaster. Either people will ignore it or use it wrongly and the site will end up where it is now after a week's worth of pointless discussion. I think a system of one or two line roleplays is the way to go.
Now, can I go back to insulting Elliot please? :-)
The important thing to remember is that the games in the TES series are Role-playing games. Even the early games contained RPG elements, but it was only when Morrowind and Oblivion appeared that you could honestly claim to have a fully open game. It is therefore only natural that people want to write about their roleplaying ideas and their experiences. I don't think anybody disagrees with what I've said so far.
The problem comes with how the information should be presented and how much information should be included. Let's say you want to live as a farmer. Obviously you need to live on or close to some farmland. Should a roleplay give that tip alone, or should it specify a farm? A farmer will obviously need to harvest ingredients, but should a roleplay specify how and when or simply mention the idea? Almost all the existing roleplays specify classes, birthsigns and skills. Are these genuinely required for a roleplay?
Why should roleplays be so prescriptive? Why does a mage have to be a Breton or an Altmer? There might only be one relevant orc in the mages guild but why does that mean nobody playing a mage can be an orc? You may not get many Bosmer as fighters, but why not make the fight against adversity part of your character's backstory?
The best idea I saw in the debate so far was one that said Roleplays should be one or two lines. Farmer would be something like "Tend your crops and fight off wild creatures to guarantee a harvest. Take your produce to town and sell it for the supplies you need" rather than a huge list of crap that is of no relevance.
Yes, TES is a roleplaying series so UESP should have roleplaying articles. On the other hand, anybody that needs to have the hand of their imagination held to the extent that the current articles encourage really shouldn't be trying to play a roleplaying game at all.
So what do I think? I think the system under vote at the moment will be a disaster. Either people will ignore it or use it wrongly and the site will end up where it is now after a week's worth of pointless discussion. I think a system of one or two line roleplays is the way to go.
Now, can I go back to insulting Elliot please? :-)
Thursday, 2 September 2010
See you in the Spring
Fun times on UESP last night. In the middle of another boring argument between The Great Deceiver and Whining Little Bitch, who should appear but Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick!
Despite having claimed to be "done" with the site, EtOT popped up to deliver what he evidently thought were a few well chosen words about TGD, in a post so transparently trollworthy that not one, not two, not three, but four different editors removed it. EtOT's edit warring led to WLB warning him, which of course, EtOT removed. WLB reinstated the warning with section protection, so EtOT did some whining of his own and had the gall to warn TGD for edit warring, twice - a warning removed first by TGD himself, then by Corevette789. At this point, Herschel stepped in and blocked EtOT for six - count them! - six months, with an email and talk page ban to go with it.
The message should be clear to you, EtOT (and I know you still read this): you are not wanted on UESP. In one evening, you managed to piss off SerCenKing, TheAlbinoOrc, Arch Mage Matt, Rpeh, RobinHood70, Corevette789 and Krusty.FiveFour patrollers and an admin. That's pretty good going even for you.
See you in March. I'm sure everybody on UESP will have a happy Christmas / Hanukkah / whatever knowing you won't be anywhere near the site.
Despite having claimed to be "done" with the site, EtOT popped up to deliver what he evidently thought were a few well chosen words about TGD, in a post so transparently trollworthy that not one, not two, not three, but four different editors removed it. EtOT's edit warring led to WLB warning him, which of course, EtOT removed. WLB reinstated the warning with section protection, so EtOT did some whining of his own and had the gall to warn TGD for edit warring, twice - a warning removed first by TGD himself, then by Corevette789. At this point, Herschel stepped in and blocked EtOT for six - count them! - six months, with an email and talk page ban to go with it.
The message should be clear to you, EtOT (and I know you still read this): you are not wanted on UESP. In one evening, you managed to piss off SerCenKing, TheAlbinoOrc, Arch Mage Matt, Rpeh, RobinHood70, Corevette789 and Krusty.
See you in March. I'm sure everybody on UESP will have a happy Christmas / Hanukkah / whatever knowing you won't be anywhere near the site.
Arch Mage Matt,
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Storm in a Teacup
I had intended to skip this topic, but the way in which the argument keeps going makes it unmissable.
Things started with this edit, which deleted a section of a page on a largely irrelevant mod called FCOM. If you look over the history of that page, you will notice that for the last year, nothing much except deletions and reversions has taken place on it, so how did such a controversy erupt?
The answer is this edit from The Great Deceiver in which he fully blanked the page and redirected it to the FCOM site because he didn't believe the page was being maintained. A day later, a user named Haama restored the page and then exploded on the CP.
What follows is a fascinating back-and-forth debate where Haama, and another user called DragoonWraith acting like the world was about to end, and TGD defending his actions.
So what do I think about it? Well TGD's actions seems a little extreme, but the overreaction by the other editors has been incredibly funny to watch.
Ah. I see Timenn is trying to stop things going any further. Good luck on that score!
Things started with this edit, which deleted a section of a page on a largely irrelevant mod called FCOM. If you look over the history of that page, you will notice that for the last year, nothing much except deletions and reversions has taken place on it, so how did such a controversy erupt?
The answer is this edit from The Great Deceiver in which he fully blanked the page and redirected it to the FCOM site because he didn't believe the page was being maintained. A day later, a user named Haama restored the page and then exploded on the CP.
What follows is a fascinating back-and-forth debate where Haama, and another user called DragoonWraith acting like the world was about to end, and TGD defending his actions.
So what do I think about it? Well TGD's actions seems a little extreme, but the overreaction by the other editors has been incredibly funny to watch.
Ah. I see Timenn is trying to stop things going any further. Good luck on that score!
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Why can't everyone just ignore him/forget him/let him be?
With this edit summary, the Queen of Trolls proves herself to be the ultimate and unsurpassable troll of UESP. Not only was it Nephele who started off the latest round of EtOT bashing, with her stupid and ill-informed policy suggestions, she kept it going by blocking him when other admins had already decided to ignore EtOT's latest few idiotic emails (and thanks for forwarding them on, you know who!)
What Nephele has done here is to knock a big ol' wasps' nest off a tree then start complaining when she gets stung.
Either she is more stupid than a 5 minute n00b, or she did it deliberately to troll. Make your pick.
What Nephele has done here is to knock a big ol' wasps' nest off a tree then start complaining when she gets stung.
Either she is more stupid than a 5 minute n00b, or she did it deliberately to troll. Make your pick.
Two New Patrollers
For some reason, the comment sections on previous posts are calling the fact that Corevette789 and Jplatinum16 have been nominated as patrollers worthy of comment.
Neither event is really worthy of comment, but on the off chance that this will shut you up, here's the post.
It was Vesna who nominated Corevette789 and The Great Deceiver who nominated Jplatinum16. So far the only controversy I can see is a competition to see who can stick his or her tongue furthest up the nether regions of the two people concerned. Neither nomination has anything less than a panting declaration of love in the voting section. They will both go through, despite the idiotic "UESP Watch Reader 101" comment that "I don't [Jplatinum16's] nomination will be successful here. I assume he left the word "think" out of that comment on the grounds that he doesn't understand the word.
Anyway. Here's the post... but it's not really very interesting, is it?
UPDATE: My bad. I hadn't noticed that regular moron MEG had voted against Jplatinum16, which at least gives us all a pretty solid clue to the identity of "UESP Watch Reader 101". Perhaps MEG could pass comment on this edit to the Arcane University page, and the creation of this page?
Neither event is really worthy of comment, but on the off chance that this will shut you up, here's the post.
It was Vesna who nominated Corevette789 and The Great Deceiver who nominated Jplatinum16. So far the only controversy I can see is a competition to see who can stick his or her tongue furthest up the nether regions of the two people concerned. Neither nomination has anything less than a panting declaration of love in the voting section. They will both go through, despite the idiotic "UESP Watch Reader 101" comment that "I don't [Jplatinum16's] nomination will be successful here. I assume he left the word "think" out of that comment on the grounds that he doesn't understand the word.
Anyway. Here's the post... but it's not really very interesting, is it?
UPDATE: My bad. I hadn't noticed that regular moron MEG had voted against Jplatinum16, which at least gives us all a pretty solid clue to the identity of "UESP Watch Reader 101". Perhaps MEG could pass comment on this edit to the Arcane University page, and the creation of this page?
Monday, 5 July 2010
EtOT Thinks He's Appealing
Despite having previously claimed to be "done" with UESP, Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick has appealed against his block. He claims that his new block falls under the "double jeopardy" rule, but in typical EtOT style he fails badly on comprehension.
Double Jeopardy is intended to stop somebody being tried twice for the same offense based on the same set of facts. In this case, two new pieces of evidence have come to light since he was tried, so the rule doesn't apply. In any case, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus commented earlier that EtOT's email to him was sent after the first block expired so there is definite scope for a second trial.
Besides, EtOT. Haven't you got it yet? Nobody likes you or wants you on the site. Keep posting and your indefinite block will be along shortly.
Double Jeopardy is intended to stop somebody being tried twice for the same offense based on the same set of facts. In this case, two new pieces of evidence have come to light since he was tried, so the rule doesn't apply. In any case, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus commented earlier that EtOT's email to him was sent after the first block expired so there is definite scope for a second trial.
Besides, EtOT. Haven't you got it yet? Nobody likes you or wants you on the site. Keep posting and your indefinite block will be along shortly.
Another Month for EtOT
Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick has been blocked for another month.
Things started a couple of days ago when Lucius Tarquinius Superbus posted an email he received from EtOT. In typical EtOT style, he instructed LTS "Do not involve yourself in matters that concern me you little prick." Since EtOT was banned for being a dick to other users, LTS asked for a new, month long block.
New editor Corvus supported a ban extension then Corevette789 decided to remain neutral. That's a bit of a surprise given EtOT's previous behavior towards Corevette, but we'll let it pass.
The Queen of Trolls obliges with the block, and then TheAlbinoOrc provides further evidence in case anybody thought it was unfair.
It's much less interesting on the site without EtOT, but nobody can deny that things are much nicer now he's not there. With no EtOT and no Rawtwat the Vicious, UESP is once again a nice place to be. I might have to start editing again.
Things started a couple of days ago when Lucius Tarquinius Superbus posted an email he received from EtOT. In typical EtOT style, he instructed LTS "Do not involve yourself in matters that concern me you little prick." Since EtOT was banned for being a dick to other users, LTS asked for a new, month long block.
New editor Corvus supported a ban extension then Corevette789 decided to remain neutral. That's a bit of a surprise given EtOT's previous behavior towards Corevette, but we'll let it pass.
The Queen of Trolls obliges with the block, and then TheAlbinoOrc provides further evidence in case anybody thought it was unfair.
It's much less interesting on the site without EtOT, but nobody can deny that things are much nicer now he's not there. With no EtOT and no Rawtwat the Vicious, UESP is once again a nice place to be. I might have to start editing again.
Thursday, 10 June 2010
It's... oh... so quiet! Shh! Shh!
Now let me be honest and say that the Recent Changes page looks like a bomb exploded. Recently, when this has happened it has been because of a huge fight between The Great Deceiver and Elliot the Banned, Obnoxious and Thick but not today.
The activity today has been mostly from Arny, Mikeyboy52, GUM!!! and Scorpio... four newish users who excel at irritating other users by plastering the site with edits on talk pages.
Things began with Mikeyboy asking Elliot's Bitch about image linking that turned into a discussion about images in signatures. When TGD came in with what's becoming a standard tactic from him - a link to Wikipedia - you might be forgiven for thinking the discussion was over. No. Mikeyboy moved it on to TGD's talk page instead.
Meanwhile, Scorpio made this edit, which added a list of "Notable People" to the Leyawiin page. Now this idea has some good points and some bad points, but what everybody would agree is that it didn't need a load of new users talking about it. We then get at least 100 edits from the group named above and it all ends with Scorpio blanking stuff because he was feeling picked-upon. He also gave Arny a rather wet slap. Eventually, the Queen of Trolls warns him for slapping but he doesn't listen and goes on and on, evidently with a broken CAPS LOCK KEY. Herschel, then TGD ask him to calm down but to no avail. After some more vandalism, for which QOT blocked him, he leaves a nice message for her, before Timenn extends the block to a month. For no good reason.
Two lessons have been learned today. 1) 12 year olds should NOT be given Internet access without supervision. 2) God! Isn't it dull without EtBOT!
The activity today has been mostly from Arny, Mikeyboy52, GUM!!! and Scorpio... four newish users who excel at irritating other users by plastering the site with edits on talk pages.
Things began with Mikeyboy asking Elliot's Bitch about image linking that turned into a discussion about images in signatures. When TGD came in with what's becoming a standard tactic from him - a link to Wikipedia - you might be forgiven for thinking the discussion was over. No. Mikeyboy moved it on to TGD's talk page instead.
Meanwhile, Scorpio made this edit, which added a list of "Notable People" to the Leyawiin page. Now this idea has some good points and some bad points, but what everybody would agree is that it didn't need a load of new users talking about it. We then get at least 100 edits from the group named above and it all ends with Scorpio blanking stuff because he was feeling picked-upon. He also gave Arny a rather wet slap. Eventually, the Queen of Trolls warns him for slapping but he doesn't listen and goes on and on, evidently with a broken CAPS LOCK KEY. Herschel, then TGD ask him to calm down but to no avail. After some more vandalism, for which QOT blocked him, he leaves a nice message for her, before Timenn extends the block to a month. For no good reason.
Two lessons have been learned today. 1) 12 year olds should NOT be given Internet access without supervision. 2) God! Isn't it dull without EtBOT!
Monday, 7 June 2010
At last!
Tonight, I bask in the rays of joy and happiness that flow from my monitor, for Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick has been blocked at long last.
The day started with relatively new user Arny saying that he supported a block on EtOT, because he believed EtOT was more responsible than The Great Deceiver for all the arguments we have seen lately. You will never guess what happened next... EtOT got upset! In a post with an edit summary of "Arny, your suggestion is ridiculous", EtOT tells Arny that he "should keep out of such debates".
Arny replies, and points out that EtOT should already have received a block for his persistent violations of policy. EtOT obviously thought about this carefully, considered his behaviour and replied in a calm, thoughtful manner that.... oh who the hell am I trying to fool? He vomits a mass of diffs over the page, accusing Arny of playing the ''ignoratio elenchi'' game (irrelevant thesis - and BTW, EtOT, I thought one of your arguments was that only TGD and I use Latin?) then adds Arny's name to his insulting list.
At this point, the Powers step in. Timenn had warned EtOT before about dismissing the views of other users so gives EtOT an official warning for doing it. EtOT reacts with his usual politeness. Timenn replies and EtOT whines some more.
Meanwhile, Michaeldsuarez pops up on the Administrator Noticeboard talking about EtOT's record on Wikipedia. EtOT feels he has to respond ("How does my WP behavior have any bearing on this matter?" Answer: because you were a dick there and you're a dick on UESP too), and MDS replies.
MDS then makes a very good point that EtOT is acting like Dr. Jones, who once had an insulting list of his own. EtOT misses the point, and MDS points out that Dr. Jones was blocked, largely because of the list. EtOT tells him to "GTFO" before moving the debate to MDS' own talk page and telling him to "stay out of it".
Then, we have the golden moment. Nephele blocks EtOT for a week for "Repeated harassment of other users despite being warned just hours ago to stop". She then goes on a cleaning spree, removing all the nonsense EtOT has added during the day.
So there we have it. The whole process has taken far too long and it should have been done some time ago, but he has finally had his block. Something tells me we haven't seen the end of Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick, but at least we don't have to put up with him for a week.
The day started with relatively new user Arny saying that he supported a block on EtOT, because he believed EtOT was more responsible than The Great Deceiver for all the arguments we have seen lately. You will never guess what happened next... EtOT got upset! In a post with an edit summary of "Arny, your suggestion is ridiculous", EtOT tells Arny that he "should keep out of such debates".
Arny replies, and points out that EtOT should already have received a block for his persistent violations of policy. EtOT obviously thought about this carefully, considered his behaviour and replied in a calm, thoughtful manner that.... oh who the hell am I trying to fool? He vomits a mass of diffs over the page, accusing Arny of playing the ''ignoratio elenchi'' game (irrelevant thesis - and BTW, EtOT, I thought one of your arguments was that only TGD and I use Latin?) then adds Arny's name to his insulting list.
At this point, the Powers step in. Timenn had warned EtOT before about dismissing the views of other users so gives EtOT an official warning for doing it. EtOT reacts with his usual politeness. Timenn replies and EtOT whines some more.
Meanwhile, Michaeldsuarez pops up on the Administrator Noticeboard talking about EtOT's record on Wikipedia. EtOT feels he has to respond ("How does my WP behavior have any bearing on this matter?" Answer: because you were a dick there and you're a dick on UESP too), and MDS replies.
MDS then makes a very good point that EtOT is acting like Dr. Jones, who once had an insulting list of his own. EtOT misses the point, and MDS points out that Dr. Jones was blocked, largely because of the list. EtOT tells him to "GTFO" before moving the debate to MDS' own talk page and telling him to "stay out of it".
Then, we have the golden moment. Nephele blocks EtOT for a week for "Repeated harassment of other users despite being warned just hours ago to stop". She then goes on a cleaning spree, removing all the nonsense EtOT has added during the day.
So there we have it. The whole process has taken far too long and it should have been done some time ago, but he has finally had his block. Something tells me we haven't seen the end of Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick, but at least we don't have to put up with him for a week.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
New Name for Nephele
Every so often something comes along that's so good you have to clap your hands and admit that it's better than anything you could have come up with yourself.
Today's example is this post, which comes up with a perfect new name for the editor formerly known as Nephele the Pious. She is now Queen of Trolls, and it's a well deserved name. As the post says, "The skill and style with which she picked up on two issues that were essentially dead and turned them into huge, active, controversial topics can only be admired."
Today's example is this post, which comes up with a perfect new name for the editor formerly known as Nephele the Pious. She is now Queen of Trolls, and it's a well deserved name. As the post says, "The skill and style with which she picked up on two issues that were essentially dead and turned them into huge, active, controversial topics can only be admired."
Friday, 4 June 2010
Busy Morning
Looks like war between Nephele the Pious and The Great Deceiver has broken out overnight.
It began with NtP confirming that the Masked Template Guru was wrong to delete anonymous posts for no reason by suggesting a new policy about such posts. She then follows it up with another policy aimed straight at Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick and TGD.
It doesn't take long before TGD opposes them both.
It also doesn't take long before he comes back with a policy proposal of his own, aimed so directly at NtP that it's probably still ricocheting back and forth between her nipples.
Elliot the Thick then appears - neatly proving rpeh's point that he only ever turns up for the controversy, which is the very definition of trolling - and makes three typically pointless posts of his own.
Nephele's first policy makes some kind of sense but it would be much easier to disable anonymous editing altogether rather than having some kind of half-arsed measure like this that is totally open to interpretation and will only lead to more edit warring.
The second one won't work even for a moment and is a really, really silly suggestion by NtP. As TGD has already pointed out, Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick will edit pages he knows TGD is about to edit to prevent TGD updating them. EtOT pretends he doesn't know how he can do this, but that's nothing more than a smokescreen.
TGD's suggestion is definitely overdue. Nobody left on the site knows anything about Garrett and Endareth, while Rawtwat the Vicious should have been removed as an admin months ago.
So we have Nephele making snide remarks about Rpeh, Rpeh telling her off in reply, then Nephele aiming policies at Rpeh and Rpeh aiming one right back.
This has all happened since Nephele the Pious returned from her break. Perhaps she should be blocked for disruptive behaviour?
UPDATE: EtOT has always got to get the last word in, although even by his standards this is illiterate and difficult to understand. I think he is trying to say that he doesn't have time to edit the wiki. Then how does he have time to annoy everybody on the admin noticeboard? Simple answer: EtOT is a lying bastard who is only out to cause trouble. TGD may not be able to use the "T" word, but I can: Elliot is nothing but a troll. Block him now.
It began with NtP confirming that the Masked Template Guru was wrong to delete anonymous posts for no reason by suggesting a new policy about such posts. She then follows it up with another policy aimed straight at Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick and TGD.
It doesn't take long before TGD opposes them both.
It also doesn't take long before he comes back with a policy proposal of his own, aimed so directly at NtP that it's probably still ricocheting back and forth between her nipples.
Elliot the Thick then appears - neatly proving rpeh's point that he only ever turns up for the controversy, which is the very definition of trolling - and makes three typically pointless posts of his own.
Nephele's first policy makes some kind of sense but it would be much easier to disable anonymous editing altogether rather than having some kind of half-arsed measure like this that is totally open to interpretation and will only lead to more edit warring.
The second one won't work even for a moment and is a really, really silly suggestion by NtP. As TGD has already pointed out, Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick will edit pages he knows TGD is about to edit to prevent TGD updating them. EtOT pretends he doesn't know how he can do this, but that's nothing more than a smokescreen.
TGD's suggestion is definitely overdue. Nobody left on the site knows anything about Garrett and Endareth, while Rawtwat the Vicious should have been removed as an admin months ago.
So we have Nephele making snide remarks about Rpeh, Rpeh telling her off in reply, then Nephele aiming policies at Rpeh and Rpeh aiming one right back.
This has all happened since Nephele the Pious returned from her break. Perhaps she should be blocked for disruptive behaviour?
UPDATE: EtOT has always got to get the last word in, although even by his standards this is illiterate and difficult to understand. I think he is trying to say that he doesn't have time to edit the wiki. Then how does he have time to annoy everybody on the admin noticeboard? Simple answer: EtOT is a lying bastard who is only out to cause trouble. TGD may not be able to use the "T" word, but I can: Elliot is nothing but a troll. Block him now.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Tempora Mutantur
A Brief History of Time UESP Template Improvements:
Nephele, 20 March 2009: I've got these great ideas to improve our templates.
Rpeh, 20 March 2009: Wow those look great but "my biggest concern is the impact on the database"
Nephele, 20 March 2009: Dun worry, I iz teh uberl33t hax0r! All your base, etc...
Rpeh, 16 May 2010: Dave, I think we have a problem.
Daveh, 17 May 2010: Yeah, HAL, I think we got it.
Rpeh, 17 May 2010: I'm feeling very enthusiastic about the mission.
Rpeh, 23 May 2010: Uh-oh Daveh. The AE35 unit is about to undergo critical failure.
Frank Poole, 23 May 2010: Yeah, Houston we have a problem.
Nephele, 30 May 2010: Okay, you know I said my code wouldn't cause these problems?
UESP Servers: Daisy... Daisy...
Nephele, 20 March 2009: I've got these great ideas to improve our templates.
Rpeh, 20 March 2009: Wow those look great but "my biggest concern is the impact on the database"
Nephele, 20 March 2009: Dun worry, I iz teh uberl33t hax0r! All your base, etc...
Rpeh, 16 May 2010: Dave, I think we have a problem.
Daveh, 17 May 2010: Yeah, HAL, I think we got it.
Rpeh, 17 May 2010: I'm feeling very enthusiastic about the mission.
Rpeh, 23 May 2010: Uh-oh Daveh. The AE35 unit is about to undergo critical failure.
Frank Poole, 23 May 2010: Yeah, Houston we have a problem.
Nephele, 30 May 2010: Okay, you know I said my code wouldn't cause these problems?
UESP Servers: Daisy... Daisy...
Friday, 28 May 2010
She's doing it on purpose now
Never content to use one word where 10 would do, Nephele has raised the bar by even managing to make an overly verbose proposed deletion summary.
I will quote the reason in full since the page is likely to be deleted soon: "Unnecessary and redundant article. Creator needs to read the style guide on Redundancy and the new article guidelines at Starting New Pages. Content belongs at Morrowind:Starting out, and is probably already covered there ("probably" because it contains too many mistakes and vague descriptions for me to decipher right now)"
So in one post she manages to:
That's Nephele the Pious for you.
Note that after the initial flurry of "Welcome back!" posts, nobody is daring to engage with her. Nephele evidently has her own mission for the wiki and it doesn't involve other users.
I will quote the reason in full since the page is likely to be deleted soon: "Unnecessary and redundant article. Creator needs to read the style guide on Redundancy and the new article guidelines at Starting New Pages. Content belongs at Morrowind:Starting out, and is probably already covered there ("probably" because it contains too many mistakes and vague descriptions for me to decipher right now)"
So in one post she manages to:
- Make an overlong argument
- Patronise a user
- Insult other users who edited a different page
That's Nephele the Pious for you.
Note that after the initial flurry of "Welcome back!" posts, nobody is daring to engage with her. Nephele evidently has her own mission for the wiki and it doesn't involve other users.
Elliot the Bully 2
Well we found out what Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick planned to do after the 24 hours were up. He planned to be obnoxious. Who would have thought?
Elliot: You think you are cute sending PMs?
Corevette: What
Elliot: Thanks for the link, EtOT!
Elliot: Don't play stupid
Corevette: I sent them to an admin yes
Elliot: You are not permitted to under UESP guidelines
Elliot: Hell, go ask rpeh
Corevette: Email, yes I am
Elliot: No you arent
Corevette: That is to bring it up on-wiki
Corevette: I asked what to do first
Elliot: Logs of chatroom discussions should not be posted or distributed.
Elliot: To anyone!
Elliot: So, who did you send it to?
Corevette: That is confiential
Corevette: Im sure they would not want me to go a-blabbing
Elliot: Funny
Elliot: because I am saying THE SAME FUCKING THING
Elliot: How does it feel to be a complete hypocrite?
Corevette: You violated Chatspikes rules and check this one out in etiquitte
Elliot: I violated ChatSpike rules?
Elliot: Please tell me which rule
Elliot: Unless you are making it up
Corevette: Not only that yes, chatspike has that rule. Although I am not going to bring it up with them
Corevette: Personal attacks are not looked upon kindly
Elliot: Grow up
Corevette: <3
Elliot: Are you going to cry because someone calls you incompetent?
Elliot: Hmm, Daedryon?
Corevette: LOL
Elliot: Yeah, that would be giving you too much credit
Elliot: Are you going to send this transcript too?
Elliot: And tell me who you sent it to
Elliot: Now
Corevette: Possibly, I think this would give others a few good laughs, as it has me
Elliot: That you are stupid?
Corevette: Why? What is the diffrence
Elliot: Yeah, I have laughed a lot too
Elliot: Tell me who you sent it to
Elliot: GK?
Elliot: Timenn?
Elliot: Oh wait
Elliot: Rpeh!
Elliot: we have a winner!
Corevette: Not an admin.
Corevette: And no not rpeh
Elliot: You said you sent it to an admin
Corevette: I meant rpeh isn't an admin
Elliot: I sent them to an admin yes
Elliot: Well, lying is an easy thing to do
Corevette: It dosent matter who I sent it to...they have all seen it by now
Elliot: Tell me
Elliot: So I can can your ass for a blatant violation
Corevette: I see I am wasting my time here
Corevette: No , YOU are
Elliot: Editing the wiki is a waste of time
Elliot: All of the incompetent admins are a waste of time
Elliot: YOU are a waste of time
Elliot: Because you are a child trapped in your own shitty wording
Elliot: Now, I know I said shit
Elliot: can you be mature enough to handle that?
Corevette: So why the hell are you wasting your time talking to me
Corevette: If it holds no importance to you why stay here
Elliot: Because it's hilarious
Elliot: Same with rpeh
Elliot: and his little bitching about Eshe dumping his ass
Elliot: Where he cried and got drunk that night
Elliot: that is HILARIOUS
Corevette: I see you have nothing better to do with your time then to trash someone you dont even know
Elliot: Oh, and your Corevette name
Corevette: I KNOW
Elliot: I know rpeh better than most
Elliot: Better than you
Corevette: I know that
Elliot: Now go tell him I said this to get him to bitch and whine and moan about how I am a shitty "little man"
Elliot: And tell him I send his mother some love, the poor woman
Corevette: You're disgusting
EtOT has tried to fall back on this rule of "You can't post what I say because of the UESP IRC guidelines" but what he's obviously too stupid to realise is that those guidelines only apply to the main UESP channel - #uespwiki. If I want to send his drivel to the Guardian and ask them to print it in a special pull-out colour section, I can do so without violating a single policy.
It looks like EtOT is violating some kind of confidence with rpeh, too. And, of course, he makes the obligatory comment about someone's mother.
The Chatspike policies can be found here. One of them is "Don't be lame. This includes threatening or abusing people ... and other things too. These Activities Will get you banned from the network". Corevette should report EtOT and get him banned because let's face it - EtOT excels at lame.
Lastly, note that EtOT says that "Editing the wiki is a waste of time". It's time for a kindly admin to make sure he never has to waste his time in this way again.
Elliot: You think you are cute sending PMs?
Corevette: What
Elliot: Thanks for the link, EtOT!
Elliot: Don't play stupid
Corevette: I sent them to an admin yes
Elliot: You are not permitted to under UESP guidelines
Elliot: Hell, go ask rpeh
Corevette: Email, yes I am
Elliot: No you arent
Corevette: That is to bring it up on-wiki
Corevette: I asked what to do first
Elliot: Logs of chatroom discussions should not be posted or distributed.
Elliot: To anyone!
Elliot: So, who did you send it to?
Corevette: That is confiential
Corevette: Im sure they would not want me to go a-blabbing
Elliot: Funny
Elliot: because I am saying THE SAME FUCKING THING
Elliot: How does it feel to be a complete hypocrite?
Corevette: You violated Chatspikes rules and check this one out in etiquitte
Elliot: I violated ChatSpike rules?
Elliot: Please tell me which rule
Elliot: Unless you are making it up
Corevette: Not only that yes, chatspike has that rule. Although I am not going to bring it up with them
Corevette: Personal attacks are not looked upon kindly
Elliot: Grow up
Corevette: <3
Elliot: Are you going to cry because someone calls you incompetent?
Elliot: Hmm, Daedryon?
Corevette: LOL
Elliot: Yeah, that would be giving you too much credit
Elliot: Are you going to send this transcript too?
Elliot: And tell me who you sent it to
Elliot: Now
Corevette: Possibly, I think this would give others a few good laughs, as it has me
Elliot: That you are stupid?
Corevette: Why? What is the diffrence
Elliot: Yeah, I have laughed a lot too
Elliot: Tell me who you sent it to
Elliot: GK?
Elliot: Timenn?
Elliot: Oh wait
Elliot: Rpeh!
Elliot: we have a winner!
Corevette: Not an admin.
Corevette: And no not rpeh
Elliot: You said you sent it to an admin
Corevette: I meant rpeh isn't an admin
Elliot: I sent them to an admin yes
Elliot: Well, lying is an easy thing to do
Corevette: It dosent matter who I sent it to...they have all seen it by now
Elliot: Tell me
Elliot: So I can can your ass for a blatant violation
Corevette: I see I am wasting my time here
Corevette: No , YOU are
Elliot: Editing the wiki is a waste of time
Elliot: All of the incompetent admins are a waste of time
Elliot: YOU are a waste of time
Elliot: Because you are a child trapped in your own shitty wording
Elliot: Now, I know I said shit
Elliot: can you be mature enough to handle that?
Corevette: So why the hell are you wasting your time talking to me
Corevette: If it holds no importance to you why stay here
Elliot: Because it's hilarious
Elliot: Same with rpeh
Elliot: and his little bitching about Eshe dumping his ass
Elliot: Where he cried and got drunk that night
Elliot: that is HILARIOUS
Corevette: I see you have nothing better to do with your time then to trash someone you dont even know
Elliot: Oh, and your Corevette name
Corevette: I KNOW
Elliot: I know rpeh better than most
Elliot: Better than you
Corevette: I know that
Elliot: Now go tell him I said this to get him to bitch and whine and moan about how I am a shitty "little man"
Elliot: And tell him I send his mother some love, the poor woman
Corevette: You're disgusting
EtOT has tried to fall back on this rule of "You can't post what I say because of the UESP IRC guidelines" but what he's obviously too stupid to realise is that those guidelines only apply to the main UESP channel - #uespwiki. If I want to send his drivel to the Guardian and ask them to print it in a special pull-out colour section, I can do so without violating a single policy.
It looks like EtOT is violating some kind of confidence with rpeh, too. And, of course, he makes the obligatory comment about someone's mother.
The Chatspike policies can be found here. One of them is "Don't be lame. This includes threatening or abusing people ... and other things too. These Activities Will get you banned from the network". Corevette should report EtOT and get him banned because let's face it - EtOT excels at lame.
Lastly, note that EtOT says that "Editing the wiki is a waste of time". It's time for a kindly admin to make sure he never has to waste his time in this way again.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Nephele the Pious... and Incorrect
Well that didn't take long. Just ten days into her return and Nephele posts her first, overlong, patronising post of the new spell. And it's wrong too. Don't take my word for it though. Here's proof. That's taken on a brand new installation of the game with just Shivering Isles installed, and no mods except the official ones. Better luck next time, Nephele.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Elliot the Bully
It seems that Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick is going after Rawtwat the Vicious's title now.
I've been sent a segment of an IM conversation between EtOT and Corevette789. Please note, it wasn't Corevette who sent it to me. It seems he sent it to someone else to ask for advice about the threats, and that person forwarded it to me.
(There was some conversation before this, but he ran in circles trying to convince me to RM the warning)
Corevette789: To me, it sounds like MDS was the IP
Elliot: Regardless
Corevette789: We just have no way of knowing
Elliot: The warning should be removed
Elliot: or one given to rpeh
Elliot: Until then, I will follow you
Elliot: Not like a cat following you
Elliot: like a wasp
Corevette789: ...
Corevette789: What
Elliot: Ever had a wasp follow you
Elliot: Anywho.. remove it
Elliot: Okay, if you won't give him one
Elliot: I will
Corevette789: SPADE
Corevette789: You can, actually
Corevette789: He cant RM it either
Corevette789: He is affected
Elliot: I cant add it because it was he attacked me
Elliot: YOU can
Corevette789: No you add it, I dont RM it
Corevette789: He cant RM it
Corevette789: Then we do have to wait for an admin (Note:This was a very of stupid Idea but this had been going on for far to long)
Elliot: But I can't add it...
Elliot: If you called me a fucking idiot, I can't warn you
(Right here I just stopped responding. I got sick and tired of him trying to bully me into RMming the warning.)
Elliot: Are you thinking
Elliot: Last chance, remove the warning.
Elliot: You have 24 hours.
Well, the 24 hours are nearly up. What will Elliot the Vicious and Obnoxiously Thick do next?
I've been sent a segment of an IM conversation between EtOT and Corevette789. Please note, it wasn't Corevette who sent it to me. It seems he sent it to someone else to ask for advice about the threats, and that person forwarded it to me.
(There was some conversation before this, but he ran in circles trying to convince me to RM the warning)
Corevette789: To me, it sounds like MDS was the IP
Elliot: Regardless
Corevette789: We just have no way of knowing
Elliot: The warning should be removed
Elliot: or one given to rpeh
Elliot: Until then, I will follow you
Elliot: Not like a cat following you
Elliot: like a wasp
Corevette789: ...
Corevette789: What
Elliot: Ever had a wasp follow you
Elliot: Anywho.. remove it
Elliot: Okay, if you won't give him one
Elliot: I will
Corevette789: SPADE
Corevette789: You can, actually
Corevette789: He cant RM it either
Corevette789: He is affected
Elliot: I cant add it because it was he attacked me
Elliot: YOU can
Corevette789: No you add it, I dont RM it
Corevette789: He cant RM it
Corevette789: Then we do have to wait for an admin (Note:This was a very of stupid Idea but this had been going on for far to long)
Elliot: But I can't add it...
Elliot: If you called me a fucking idiot, I can't warn you
(Right here I just stopped responding. I got sick and tired of him trying to bully me into RMming the warning.)
Elliot: Are you thinking
Elliot: Last chance, remove the warning.
Elliot: You have 24 hours.
Well, the 24 hours are nearly up. What will Elliot the Vicious and Obnoxiously Thick do next?
Bloody hell, he's at it AGAIN!
So Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick's latest retirement is over and he is back at UESP being as obnoxious and thick as ever.
I'm afraid I cannot be bothered providing all the diff links this time. It's yet another argument between EtOT and TGD, in which neither was particularly helpful but EtOT (as ever) was worse. Eventually, Corevette789 gave him a waring and EtOT went to whine about it on the admin noticeboard.
For everybody's sake, can someone please block EtOT for good? He has proven both on UESP and Wikipedia that he is divisive and useless. It also seems he has managed to drive rpeh away from the site. Judging from the tiny number of entries in the patrol log, that means the huge backlog of unpatrolled crap that rpeh cleared up is beginning again.
Somebody block that waste of space before it's too late.
UPDATE: Looks like the Masked Template Guru has taken care of most of the patrolling, but how long will that last?
I'm afraid I cannot be bothered providing all the diff links this time. It's yet another argument between EtOT and TGD, in which neither was particularly helpful but EtOT (as ever) was worse. Eventually, Corevette789 gave him a waring and EtOT went to whine about it on the admin noticeboard.
For everybody's sake, can someone please block EtOT for good? He has proven both on UESP and Wikipedia that he is divisive and useless. It also seems he has managed to drive rpeh away from the site. Judging from the tiny number of entries in the patrol log, that means the huge backlog of unpatrolled crap that rpeh cleared up is beginning again.
Somebody block that waste of space before it's too late.
UPDATE: Looks like the Masked Template Guru has taken care of most of the patrolling, but how long will that last?
Monday, 17 May 2010
Welcome Back #2
Welcome Back #1
First of two users back from the archives is Vesna. She has been away since the end of July 2009 but still holds a place in the top 25 active users.
She was around when I was active in IRC and though her user page describes her as a teenager, it turns out she was only just a teenager, being only 13 when elected as a patroller. The only reason I mention this is that she was always more polite and useful than Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick despite being 5 years younger. Also, she never claimed that people attacked her only because of her age. There's a lesson for you there, EtOT - nobody cares how young you are if you're a nice person doing a good job.
She was around when I was active in IRC and though her user page describes her as a teenager, it turns out she was only just a teenager, being only 13 when elected as a patroller. The only reason I mention this is that she was always more polite and useful than Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick despite being 5 years younger. Also, she never claimed that people attacked her only because of her age. There's a lesson for you there, EtOT - nobody cares how young you are if you're a nice person doing a good job.
One Last Piece of Idiocy?
I'm away for a few weeks and there's a piece of stupidity from Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick! Who could possibly have predicted such a thing?
The trigger seems to have been some incident in IRC between EtOT and rpeh. At first, EtOT reports it as an "Abuse of power", but after a couple of replies from The Great Deceiver, he decides it was worth an indefinite block.
Now normally, I'd say that TGD's reply is unhelpful, but since it's EtOT we're talking about here, there isn't really any better response. EtOT could just as easily stand for Elliot the Obnoxious Troll, but I would rather emphasise his stupidity.
Unfortunately, TGD didn't follow his own advice. After EtOT changes the title, TGD "reverts trolling", which EtOT undoes while accusing TGD of almost violating 3RR (the Wikipedia rule that says you can't make more than 3 reverts to a page within 24 hours). TGD points out that EtOT is talking out of his arse and EtOT admits the mistake, but doesn't apologise of course.
At this point, Southern Belle steps in. She politely tells EtOT to stop being a trolling bastard and wags a finger at TGD, presumably because she had to find some way of balancing her reply. More whining ensues from EtOT before SB tells him straight: he was trolling in IRC. EtOT then reminds us all why he gets the "Obnoxious" part of his name.
We then get Herschel's first major contribution as an admin. He agrees with SB and also tells EtOT that he's a troll. EtOT bids the site goodbye again before Lucius Tarquinius Superbus adds a typically magnificent reply. NOTE: current number of edits made by EtOT after leaving: 7.
Timenn (and I need a new name - he has not been around enough lately to justify the LGA tag) wraps the discussion up by giving EtOT what must surely be his last unofficial warning.
Hopefully this goodbye will be more permanent than his previous dozen or so. It is now clear that everyone is sick and tired of Elliot. The scariest thing about him is that he shows exactly the same behaviour on UESP and WP and still doesn't understand it when people tell him off. You have to wonder if he is like this in Real Life.
The trigger seems to have been some incident in IRC between EtOT and rpeh. At first, EtOT reports it as an "Abuse of power", but after a couple of replies from The Great Deceiver, he decides it was worth an indefinite block.
Now normally, I'd say that TGD's reply is unhelpful, but since it's EtOT we're talking about here, there isn't really any better response. EtOT could just as easily stand for Elliot the Obnoxious Troll, but I would rather emphasise his stupidity.
Unfortunately, TGD didn't follow his own advice. After EtOT changes the title, TGD "reverts trolling", which EtOT undoes while accusing TGD of almost violating 3RR (the Wikipedia rule that says you can't make more than 3 reverts to a page within 24 hours). TGD points out that EtOT is talking out of his arse and EtOT admits the mistake, but doesn't apologise of course.
At this point, Southern Belle steps in. She politely tells EtOT to stop being a trolling bastard and wags a finger at TGD, presumably because she had to find some way of balancing her reply. More whining ensues from EtOT before SB tells him straight: he was trolling in IRC. EtOT then reminds us all why he gets the "Obnoxious" part of his name.
We then get Herschel's first major contribution as an admin. He agrees with SB and also tells EtOT that he's a troll. EtOT bids the site goodbye again before Lucius Tarquinius Superbus adds a typically magnificent reply. NOTE: current number of edits made by EtOT after leaving: 7.
Timenn (and I need a new name - he has not been around enough lately to justify the LGA tag) wraps the discussion up by giving EtOT what must surely be his last unofficial warning.
Hopefully this goodbye will be more permanent than his previous dozen or so. It is now clear that everyone is sick and tired of Elliot. The scariest thing about him is that he shows exactly the same behaviour on UESP and WP and still doesn't understand it when people tell him off. You have to wonder if he is like this in Real Life.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Various Updates
First, yes I know my nickname for Krusty is krap. But the guy's from Denmark! What else can I do? Call him Hamlet? There's not much to work with here! And Eliza Dushku shouldn't be on that list anyway. On that list, apart from Eliza, I've heard of Viggo Mortensen (only 1/2 Danish), Brigitte Nielsen, Sandi Toksvig (who doesn't count because she sounds more English than I do these days), plus more than I care to admit from the "models" list. I'm stuck. Please send in alternative suggestions.
Second, yes I know Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick voted "neutral" rather than "Oppose" but I'm sure he will come around. The only reason he has been editing again at UESP is because he got blocked at Wikipedia (about time too). The "questions" he posed for Herschel were pretty transparent anyway and boiled down to EtOT asking "This is what I want to happen. You agree with me, don't you?"
Third, see previous point. I know he got blocked again and I know he responded in a typically childish way. Look people, head on over to WP and laugh at EtOT's contributions. I may highlight the funnier examples of EtOT being a moron but it's only more of what we have all come to know and love about the world's biggest idiot.
Fourth, I mean it - I won't be voting on the admin election. I don't post on UESP and I am not going to break that vow now somebody capable of doing the job has come up for election.
Second, yes I know Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick voted "neutral" rather than "Oppose" but I'm sure he will come around. The only reason he has been editing again at UESP is because he got blocked at Wikipedia (about time too). The "questions" he posed for Herschel were pretty transparent anyway and boiled down to EtOT asking "This is what I want to happen. You agree with me, don't you?"
Third, see previous point. I know he got blocked again and I know he responded in a typically childish way. Look people, head on over to WP and laugh at EtOT's contributions. I may highlight the funnier examples of EtOT being a moron but it's only more of what we have all come to know and love about the world's biggest idiot.
Fourth, I mean it - I won't be voting on the admin election. I don't post on UESP and I am not going to break that vow now somebody capable of doing the job has come up for election.
Monday, 26 April 2010
Still not Interested?
Question for the day: In the light of Herschel's admin nomination, is the Masked Template Guru regretting his decision to deny wanting to be an admin? Surely he would have been first choice without that post and without his Joram excursion?
Wow - that second link is to my second ever post. How time flies!
Wow - that second link is to my second ever post. How time flies!
Herschel for Admin?
Wow. I had been about to post another "stop being quiet" post (and yes, I know Aliana came back and was annoying again but she's already gone away again so there's no point). Instead, Southern Belle nominates Herschel for admin!
First, in case anybody hasn't got it, "Herschel" refers to "Herschel Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofski", which is Krusty the Clown's full name (from The Simpsons). It's a shit nickname and I hope to come up with something funnier, but there are no famous Danish clowns - something I hope Krusty doesn't rectify.
Two "yay" votes so far. Southern Belle obviously voted yes as nominator, and Corevette789 decided to vote without waiting for Herschel's responses to the questions - not that they are likely to tell us anything we don't already know. Except the recipe one.
I won't be voting, but if I did it would be a "yes". Krusty obviously knows what he is doing and has spent more time checking stuff than anybody with the possible exceptions of TGD and Pious. The one concern is over his standard of English, but that was more a concern for the patroller role than admin, where the emphasis is on trustworthiness and sense than spelling.
He is certain to be confirmed. The only "nay" vote will come from EtOT, and even he might not bother since the result is a foregone conclusion.
First, in case anybody hasn't got it, "Herschel" refers to "Herschel Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofski", which is Krusty the Clown's full name (from The Simpsons). It's a shit nickname and I hope to come up with something funnier, but there are no famous Danish clowns - something I hope Krusty doesn't rectify.
Two "yay" votes so far. Southern Belle obviously voted yes as nominator, and Corevette789 decided to vote without waiting for Herschel's responses to the questions - not that they are likely to tell us anything we don't already know. Except the recipe one.
I won't be voting, but if I did it would be a "yes". Krusty obviously knows what he is doing and has spent more time checking stuff than anybody with the possible exceptions of TGD and Pious. The one concern is over his standard of English, but that was more a concern for the patroller role than admin, where the emphasis is on trustworthiness and sense than spelling.
He is certain to be confirmed. The only "nay" vote will come from EtOT, and even he might not bother since the result is a foregone conclusion.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
I feel I ought to say that two of Anarchasshole's posts were deleted with extreme prejudice yesterday. I don't like censorship but after 10 minutes trying to work out what the fuck he was trying to say, I gave up.
AA - either learn to write or fuck off.
Actually, just fuck off. Thanks.
AA - either learn to write or fuck off.
Actually, just fuck off. Thanks.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Not Interested
Okay people, note the title of the blog. UESP Watch. Despite my earlier comment I'm not renaming it to Elliot Watch so please stop sending me details about him getting blocked and spanked on Wikipedia.
Yes, it was very funny and yes he's exactly the same over there as he is at UESP and here but it's not relevant. I'm posting this once to make sure you know I won't be posting again.
For those of you interested, all I'm going to say is that I've told you his WP name once before so you can go and see for yourselves.
Yes, it was very funny and yes he's exactly the same over there as he is at UESP and here but it's not relevant. I'm posting this once to make sure you know I won't be posting again.
For those of you interested, all I'm going to say is that I've told you his WP name once before so you can go and see for yourselves.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
What's so Difficult About Images?

As part of the current drive to get square images on all NPC pages, Gemellus' page had a tag that said "This article could benefit from an image that is square, showing more of the NPC". New user Walbert decided to help by uploading the tall image shown here and changing the page to use the new image. Unsurprisingly, Southern Belle reverts it with the reason "not square". Not discouraged, Walbert tries again and uploads the tiny square image and changes the page again. SB still doesn't like it as it "shows less of NPC, not more". You can't really fault her logic here.
Unfortunately, Walbert isn't happy and takes it to her talk page. SB replies politely, Walbert replies again, totally missing the point, then Herschel and Lucius pop in with fairly helpful comments too. Walbert finally gets it and uploads a reasonable version before making one last whine: "I'm honestly left wondering how a generally helpful resource like UESP can be so unhelpful to those who wish to contribute".
Now I love to criticise UESP when I can, but in this case I can't. The tag was perfectly clear about what was wanted and three people made helpful comments to expand. If you're not bright enough to read then don't take it out on other people.
Can't he just go Away?
Given that Rawtwat the Vicious has buggered off, as have ^CEshe^V and Anarchasshole, and given that other users who used to feature in my posts have proved useful rather than irritating (where is The Great Deceiver at the moment though?), I may as well rename this blog "Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick Watch" and have done with it.
Do you remember this thread about a possible change to the Journal Entries template? No? Well the basic idea is to have one table for quests with multiple sections. The Masked Template Guru made the original suggestion and TGD agreed only for EtOT to slip into Doctor No mode.
There the matter rested until MTG went ahead and made the change. Then the fun begins.
EtOT posts on MTG's talk page moaning about lack of consensus (the irony is almost flattening given that it comes from somebody who doesn't believe in consensus) and saying that he has half a mind. Oh, sorry - "I have half a mind to revert every single edit."
MTG disagrees and points out that "If you'd like to revert them all, that's your right, but I rather suspect it would be seen as malicious and earn you disciplinary action. That's not up to me, though."
EtOT's next post is a mass of crap even by his standards:
"2-1 is not consensus, especially when the main opposition is by the person who structured and implemented it. I find this extremely disrespectful and insulting. Perhaps you should get 'disciplinary action"
First, it was rpeh who wrote the template and the whole thing was his idea. Second, it's neither disrespectful nor insulting. Third, there's no reason for MTG to be disciplined.
Elliot should know about WP:POINT though, which would apply to his own suggestion.
Elliot - and I know you still read this - fuck off. You're not helping anything and you're doing nothing to stop people from regarding you as a moron.
Do you remember this thread about a possible change to the Journal Entries template? No? Well the basic idea is to have one table for quests with multiple sections. The Masked Template Guru made the original suggestion and TGD agreed only for EtOT to slip into Doctor No mode.
There the matter rested until MTG went ahead and made the change. Then the fun begins.
EtOT posts on MTG's talk page moaning about lack of consensus (the irony is almost flattening given that it comes from somebody who doesn't believe in consensus) and saying that he has half a mind. Oh, sorry - "I have half a mind to revert every single edit."
MTG disagrees and points out that "If you'd like to revert them all, that's your right, but I rather suspect it would be seen as malicious and earn you disciplinary action. That's not up to me, though."
EtOT's next post is a mass of crap even by his standards:
"2-1 is not consensus, especially when the main opposition is by the person who structured and implemented it. I find this extremely disrespectful and insulting. Perhaps you should get 'disciplinary action"
First, it was rpeh who wrote the template and the whole thing was his idea. Second, it's neither disrespectful nor insulting. Third, there's no reason for MTG to be disciplined.
Elliot should know about WP:POINT though, which would apply to his own suggestion.
Elliot - and I know you still read this - fuck off. You're not helping anything and you're doing nothing to stop people from regarding you as a moron.
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Elliot Wants a New Name
I think he wants us to call him "Dr No".
Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick's latest few edit summaries are illustrative of his style these days - disagree with everything.
From 15May March onwards, we have: "absolutely not", "still no", "do not try to 'censor' me", "don't censor me", "Stop", "Still no", "What a joke", "Still no", " unnecessary", and "no". Now I've skipped a few, but not very many. His latest comment has a summary of "my thoughts" but it consists only of him saying "No" to the Masked Template Guru's latest suggestion.
It seems EtOT isn't content with not improving the wiki himself - he wants to stop everybody else doing it too.
Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick's latest few edit summaries are illustrative of his style these days - disagree with everything.
From 15
It seems EtOT isn't content with not improving the wiki himself - he wants to stop everybody else doing it too.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Rawtwat - Still Vicious
After the surprise of rpeh's patrollership nomination, we have the staggeringly-unsurprising news that Rawtwat the Vicious doesn't like the idea.
It's a typically nasty and vicious post from Rawtwat and although TGD tells him not to make personal attacks in a reply, somebody should really give Ratwar an official warning.
It's not going to matter, of course. The current vote is 5-2 and I can see at least two other votes going rpeh's way before it closes. What's fascinating is that, again, RtV and Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick are on the same side. Rawtwat should take some time to think about that.
Other people should take some time to consider how much longer Rawtwat can be allowed to violate policy before he brings the position of Admin into disrepute.
It's a typically nasty and vicious post from Rawtwat and although TGD tells him not to make personal attacks in a reply, somebody should really give Ratwar an official warning.
It's not going to matter, of course. The current vote is 5-2 and I can see at least two other votes going rpeh's way before it closes. What's fascinating is that, again, RtV and Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick are on the same side. Rawtwat should take some time to think about that.
Other people should take some time to consider how much longer Rawtwat can be allowed to violate policy before he brings the position of Admin into disrepute.
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Wow. Who Saw THAT Coming?
The Great Deceiver nominated himself for patroller again last night, which I don't think anybody was expecting. Predictably, Elliot the Obnoxiously Vicious had to vote no, hilariously claiming that patrollership is his gift to offer.
So far, yes votes from Corevette789, Atreus, and the Masked Template Guru.
Is this the first step in a return to sysop status for TGD?
So far, yes votes from Corevette789, Atreus, and the Masked Template Guru.
Is this the first step in a return to sysop status for TGD?
To Post, or Not to Post?
I've been sent the transcript of Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick's two most recent appearances on IRC by two separate people. Thank you to both people. The first must go down as one of the funniest things ever recorded on the internet. I'm not going to publish, though, until I get a third sender.
Why? Because I want to make sure enough people feel the same way about EtOT's contributions. Don't worry - your names are safe with me. For instance, the one contributor who doesn't understand about mail headers isn't going to be outed. If I reveal my sources I am going to lose my sources pretty quickly after all.
All responses to as usual!
Why? Because I want to make sure enough people feel the same way about EtOT's contributions. Don't worry - your names are safe with me. For instance, the one contributor who doesn't understand about mail headers isn't going to be outed. If I reveal my sources I am going to lose my sources pretty quickly after all.
All responses to as usual!
It's Finally Happened!
It's a great day as Southern Belle finally removes Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick's patroller rights then announces it to the world and to EtOT himself.
I'm sure several people have been celebrating for some time but let me raise a glass in recognition of the fact that this most idiotic and pointless of editors has had his comeuppance at long last.
I'm sure several people have been celebrating for some time but let me raise a glass in recognition of the fact that this most idiotic and pointless of editors has had his comeuppance at long last.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Reasons to be Cheerful
In all the excitement about Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick finally disappearing, I almost missed this edit from the Masked Template Guru (new name for RobinHood70).
His edit summary was "Just spoke with both, neither are planning to return", and the "both" to whom he refers are Rawtwat the Vicious and ^CEshe^V. It looks like March 2010 is going to be a good month for getting rid of the chaff from UESP.
His edit summary was "Just spoke with both, neither are planning to return", and the "both" to whom he refers are Rawtwat the Vicious and ^CEshe^V. It looks like March 2010 is going to be a good month for getting rid of the chaff from UESP.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
It's About Time
Finally, the patience of other users has been exhausted by Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick's behaviour.
It began with Lucius Tarquinius Superbus who in a brief (sarcasm) post outlined most of the case against him. Southern Belle follows up and suggests allowing EtOT to resign first (what's the point? Resign or be demoted anyway isn't much of a choice). Serial annoyance MEG pops up again with a confused series of posts and agrees, thenElliot's Bitch The Editor With an Out of Date Name demonstrates that he needs a new nickname.
So far, EtOT is only facing calls for his patroller rights to be stripped. Nobody has yet responded to Timenn's call for comments on the mutual block-fest from Saturday. Nothing yet from The Great Deceiver either. Presumably his response is going to be several megabytes long and will crash the server when he posts it. I can't believe he's going to remain silent on this one.
It began with Lucius Tarquinius Superbus who in a brief (sarcasm) post outlined most of the case against him. Southern Belle follows up and suggests allowing EtOT to resign first (what's the point? Resign or be demoted anyway isn't much of a choice). Serial annoyance MEG pops up again with a confused series of posts and agrees, then
So far, EtOT is only facing calls for his patroller rights to be stripped. Nobody has yet responded to Timenn's call for comments on the mutual block-fest from Saturday. Nothing yet from The Great Deceiver either. Presumably his response is going to be several megabytes long and will crash the server when he posts it. I can't believe he's going to remain silent on this one.
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Elliot and Drama. Is Anybody Shocked?
Well my request for excitement on UESP has been answered. Once again it all gets fun because Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick is back on the site.
It started with a suggestion from The Great Deceiver that the gold and mercantile be removed from the place summary. That makes sense, I suppose. It's not the building that sells you your potions, after all. Joram RobinHood70 agrees, so all looks good. The Great Deceiver adds a little more information to "reinforce" his opinion... but also adds a little comment as an HTML comment that doesn't show up: "given that I've now discovered who added it in the first place...". Since it turns out that the person who originally added the parameters was Elliot the Thick... it's not too long before Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick is involved.
EtOT ignores most of TGD's comment so TGD tells him so.... and then we're off to the races!
EtOT posts an insulting comment in reply and then an anon reverts it, calling Elliot a Troll in the process. Corvette789 gets involved and reinstates it; revert by anon; revert by Corvette789; revert by anon; revert by EtOT; revert by Timenn; then EtOT removes TGD's comment into the bargain.
Meanwhile, the anon warns EtOT for his personal attack, which gets reverted, reverted, reverted etc (can't be bothered with links).
Also meanwhile, EtOT warns the anon, followed by revert, revert etc, and eventually EtOT uses section protection to make the warning permanent. He obviously doesn't know that you're not supposed to use protection to further your own arguments.
Timenn has tried to clear things up, but as it stands, EtOT is doing what he always does: being a total fucking asshole.
I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again: Elliot should never have become a patroller. He is an obnoxious troll and never does anything useful. Block him now.
It started with a suggestion from The Great Deceiver that the gold and mercantile be removed from the place summary. That makes sense, I suppose. It's not the building that sells you your potions, after all. Joram RobinHood70 agrees, so all looks good. The Great Deceiver adds a little more information to "reinforce" his opinion... but also adds a little comment as an HTML comment that doesn't show up: "given that I've now discovered who added it in the first place...". Since it turns out that the person who originally added the parameters was Elliot the Thick... it's not too long before Elliot the Obnoxiously Thick is involved.
EtOT ignores most of TGD's comment so TGD tells him so.... and then we're off to the races!
EtOT posts an insulting comment in reply and then an anon reverts it, calling Elliot a Troll in the process. Corvette789 gets involved and reinstates it; revert by anon; revert by Corvette789; revert by anon; revert by EtOT; revert by Timenn; then EtOT removes TGD's comment into the bargain.
Meanwhile, the anon warns EtOT for his personal attack, which gets reverted, reverted, reverted etc (can't be bothered with links).
Also meanwhile, EtOT warns the anon, followed by revert, revert etc, and eventually EtOT uses section protection to make the warning permanent. He obviously doesn't know that you're not supposed to use protection to further your own arguments.
Timenn has tried to clear things up, but as it stands, EtOT is doing what he always does: being a total fucking asshole.
I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again: Elliot should never have become a patroller. He is an obnoxious troll and never does anything useful. Block him now.
Friday, 5 March 2010
SerCenKing's Images - The Return!
Back in November I commented that SerCenKing's images were not up to scratch, in a post that seems to have been largely responsible for getting rpeh back on the site. SerCenKing had uploaded images like this, this, this, this and this (look down at the bottom of each page to see his version then compare it to the previous one). The Great Deceiver took exception to his images (and they mostly were his images) being overwritten and reverted many - though not all - of the changes. That was his first edit in two months (under his own name at any rate).
Today, somebody called Saya created a brand new account purely to attack more of SerCenKing's images. This time, the difference is that several people (including The Great Deceiver) defended the images, and Lucius Tarquinius Superbus responded to the initial insult in typically regal style.
I'm sure somebody will accuse me of being the one who made all the reverts: it wasn't. For the record, I think LTS's image have improved out of all recognition (although he still uploads the occasional real piece of shit). Certainly, I think the batch that were reverted were all good. Some were better than others, but all were better than what went before.
Today, somebody called Saya created a brand new account purely to attack more of SerCenKing's images. This time, the difference is that several people (including The Great Deceiver) defended the images, and Lucius Tarquinius Superbus responded to the initial insult in typically regal style.
I'm sure somebody will accuse me of being the one who made all the reverts: it wasn't. For the record, I think LTS's image have improved out of all recognition (although he still uploads the occasional real piece of shit). Certainly, I think the batch that were reverted were all good. Some were better than others, but all were better than what went before.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
The Unmasked Man
So it turns out that Joram was RobinHood70 all along. He "retired" back in mid December citing "recent events" and is now talking about "drama" being responsible.
At the time, RobinHood was working on his project to kill the Lore Dictionary articles, which he did, but what other drama was there? The big debate over Elliot the Thick's Editor Id template was going on (and somebody should really delete Template talk:NPC Editor ID - it's still there long after the template was deleted), but it looks to me like this discussion on the Admin Noticeboard was a bigger factor. Basically, EtT and RH seem to have had a falling out over the job queue. Both those discussions involved EtT, so is his continuing absence the reason for RH's return?
Is there more than that? Let me know, people.
At the time, RobinHood was working on his project to kill the Lore Dictionary articles, which he did, but what other drama was there? The big debate over Elliot the Thick's Editor Id template was going on (and somebody should really delete Template talk:NPC Editor ID - it's still there long after the template was deleted), but it looks to me like this discussion on the Admin Noticeboard was a bigger factor. Basically, EtT and RH seem to have had a falling out over the job queue. Both those discussions involved EtT, so is his continuing absence the reason for RH's return?
Is there more than that? Let me know, people.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Striving for the Top
Despite previous protestations to the contrary, it seems that The Great Deceiver is taking his loss of top spot on the Active Users list quite hard! His latest attempt at regaining top spot is to make lots of unnecessary changes to Tamriel Rebuilt pages that change one way of saying "We don't know where this book is" to another way of saying "We don't know where this book is".
To be fair, I can see that it makes sense to some extent, but there are far better things for TGD to be doing than this!
To be fair, I can see that it makes sense to some extent, but there are far better things for TGD to be doing than this!
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Comment Moderation part 2
I turned comment moderation off for recent posts over a week ago and it doesn't seem as if the idiots are around any more, so I will leave it like that.
It is still ON for posts over a week old. That is mainly so I can spot when there are new comments for old posts and respond (if necessary). It means there may be a little delay before things get published though.
On the other hand, there has been so little silliness over at UESP that there is not likely to be much activity here either. That is obviously a good thing, but on the other hand it means there is less of a need for UESP Watch.
It is still ON for posts over a week old. That is mainly so I can spot when there are new comments for old posts and respond (if necessary). It means there may be a little delay before things get published though.
On the other hand, there has been so little silliness over at UESP that there is not likely to be much activity here either. That is obviously a good thing, but on the other hand it means there is less of a need for UESP Watch.
Monday, 15 February 2010
Come on!
I had a lovely Valentine's weekend - a romantic weekend away with my better half - only to discover absolutely nothing worth writing about!
Come on, people! Isn't it about time somebody started another campaign to have inactive patrollers and admins removed? Something!
Come on, people! Isn't it about time somebody started another campaign to have inactive patrollers and admins removed? Something!
Friday, 12 February 2010
Can't be Bothered
I had an email asking why I wasn't following the User Categories debate. I'm afraid it's because I simply can't be bothered.
The debate can basically be summarised as:
Elliot acts like a moron
Everybody else tells him to stop being a moron
Elliot continues to be a moron
Everybody else decides to ignore him
Been there. Done that. Blogged about it.
The debate can basically be summarised as:
Elliot acts like a moron
Everybody else tells him to stop being a moron
Elliot continues to be a moron
Everybody else decides to ignore him
Been there. Done that. Blogged about it.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Comment Moderation
I'm afraid I've got bored of reading Elliot's continual, badly-spelled, insult-ridden attempts at self-justification so I have turned on comment moderation for a while.
Comments are still welcome, but it might take a little longer for things to appear. If Elliot posts anything even more idiotic than usual, I'll let it through.
Elliot, you need to learn that repeating the same action time and again with the expectation of different results is a sign of insanity. I suggest you go and seek medical help for your condition. I mean it.
Comments are still welcome, but it might take a little longer for things to appear. If Elliot posts anything even more idiotic than usual, I'll let it through.
Elliot, you need to learn that repeating the same action time and again with the expectation of different results is a sign of insanity. I suggest you go and seek medical help for your condition. I mean it.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
The Great Deceiver is at it Again
It looks like Rpeh is losing whatever touch he ever claimed to have. Twelve edits to fix some problem or other in the Book Summary template? Even Elliot the Thick isn't that bad!
Monday, 1 February 2010
The Great Deceiver Knocked off his Perch
Sort of.
As of today, Rpeh is no longer the most active user on the site, RoBoT is. Admittedly, RoBoT is a bot run by The Great Deceiver, but there you go. It's been quite some time since Rpeh became number 1 and I can't even remember whether he overtook Nephele or TheRealLurlock to do it.
I wonder if RoBoT will be taking a little break so Rpeh can get his crown back?
As of today, Rpeh is no longer the most active user on the site, RoBoT is. Admittedly, RoBoT is a bot run by The Great Deceiver, but there you go. It's been quite some time since Rpeh became number 1 and I can't even remember whether he overtook Nephele or TheRealLurlock to do it.
I wonder if RoBoT will be taking a little break so Rpeh can get his crown back?
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus Kicks Ass!
I'm on a nickname roll. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus is SerCenKing's new name. He's Italian and has "king" in his name, so Google it and bow down before my vast knowledge of history.
ModderElGrande has been blocked before, and Rawtwat started a typically vicious, if somewhat half-hearted attempt to have him perma-banned. The rest of the community rolled their eyes and sighed collectively at yet another piece of Rawtwat vindictiveness so nothing happened.
Lately, MEG has been complaining about the images used on body mod articles. Most other people have said that they don't see a problem, and MEG suddenly claims that this means everybody is "ganging up" on him. Rpeh gently (for once) points out that this isn't true, then Itachi replies and MEG repeats the claim.
At this point, up steps LTS, bestriding the page like a colossus, and makes a post totally out of character. I'm not complaining - it's a quite brilliant post and led directly to his new name. Well done LTS!
ModderElGrande has been blocked before, and Rawtwat started a typically vicious, if somewhat half-hearted attempt to have him perma-banned. The rest of the community rolled their eyes and sighed collectively at yet another piece of Rawtwat vindictiveness so nothing happened.
Lately, MEG has been complaining about the images used on body mod articles. Most other people have said that they don't see a problem, and MEG suddenly claims that this means everybody is "ganging up" on him. Rpeh gently (for once) points out that this isn't true, then Itachi replies and MEG repeats the claim.
At this point, up steps LTS, bestriding the page like a colossus, and makes a post totally out of character. I'm not complaining - it's a quite brilliant post and led directly to his new name. Well done LTS!
Southern Belle Goes a'Snoopin'
It looks to me as if GK (and I've decided to call her Southern Belle because it's time she had a nickname) has been trying to work out who I am. Why do I say this? Because suddenly Timmeh, who hadn't made a post since 1 October 2009 and had only made three since the end of June, pops up on her talk page and posts a message titled "Response to Email" that claims he hasn't even heard of me. I'm hurt! Southern Belle's response also seems to suggest that she asked him if he was me.
No, I'm not Timmeh. But then... if I was, would I admit it?
No, I'm not Timmeh. But then... if I was, would I admit it?
Sunday, 31 January 2010
TGD Screws Up Again
In a series of 11 edits, Rpeh tested his new big idea for the NPC Summary template... then made a load of other templates that it would use (including one that must have taxed him to the limit). This went on for some time... until he undoes it all in one edit, presumably in a fit of pique.
This is probably related to the long-standing task on rpeh's user page that says "Time to separate out the game-specific stuff into sub-templates that get used by one central one." Since when, though, does one game-specific template become three?
No wonder he reverted it.
This is probably related to the long-standing task on rpeh's user page that says "Time to separate out the game-specific stuff into sub-templates that get used by one central one." Since when, though, does one game-specific template become three?
No wonder he reverted it.
Monday, 25 January 2010
What does Rawtwat smoke?
This post from Rawtwat the Vicious is yet another attempt to steal the moniker "Thick" from Elliot the Thick. Can anyone understand his point about prostitutes? Anyone? It's supposed to be some kind of crude comparison with ^CEshe^V and The Great Deceiver dating for a while. So is he calling ^CEshe^V a prostitute? Is he accusing TGD of paying for her?? WTF???
This is all part of the latest fight about what users should be allowed to post on the site. More here.
UPDATE: Rpeh gives Ratwar a good spanking. Ratwar realises that it's true he does nothing useful on the site any more so puts in a HUGE amount of effort by... deleting one page marked for speedy deletion... and fixing two spelling mistakes. Wow. Time to take another few months off in case you get RSI, Rawtwat.
UPDATE 2: The only person to support Rawtwat so far is... Elliot the Thick! Not a good sign for Rawtwat.
This is all part of the latest fight about what users should be allowed to post on the site. More here.
UPDATE: Rpeh gives Ratwar a good spanking. Ratwar realises that it's true he does nothing useful on the site any more so puts in a HUGE amount of effort by... deleting one page marked for speedy deletion... and fixing two spelling mistakes. Wow. Time to take another few months off in case you get RSI, Rawtwat.
UPDATE 2: The only person to support Rawtwat so far is... Elliot the Thick! Not a good sign for Rawtwat.
Anarchasshole Has No Soul
Just when you thought he had realised UESP was better off without him, back comes Anarchasshole with a typically stupid edit.
During the day, The Great Deceiver and Case Number 01 (HMS Victory / Itachi) had made a couple of undos to stop the Oblivion:Soul Gem page being overwhelmed with useless crap that only applies to one person's game. It finished when TGD made one big undo that also nixed AA's last edit to the page.
TGD's edit summary was "Undo several edits - pointless to list particular merchants as all magic stores stock gems and most of them are random rather than fixed". AA's undo was summarised with "Not only is the difference in price between filled player gems & filled merchant gems shown neither in the article nor on the talk page, but Timmen specifically recommended a merchant list, see Talk". So let's see if either of our combatants has a point.
First, we need to look at Asshole's claim that Timenn Made An Order on the talk page. Well... not quite. There was a question back in September 2009 that asked "Should I put something in on this page about soul gems restocking, since right now it looks like the only place to find this is on the Soul Trap page ?" Timenn's reply was (partially) "Good idea, the article could benefit from a ''Acquiring Soul Gems'' sections. It would be best to give general tips on the acquisition of the gems (especially the higher qualities) instead of a long list of locations." So Timenn explicitly didn't want a long list of locations. Okay, Anarchasshole is wrong on one count. Next?
Second, is the difference between different types of soul gems explained? Asshole's version was "Soul gems found empty, whether as loot or bought from merchants, have a coin value which depends on the grade of soul gem, which does not change if the player later fills them with a soul. Merchant gems sold or found filled with a soul have a coin value which depends on the level of the soul within, regardless of the grade of gem. The coin values below are for soul gems sold and found filled; all gems filled by the player will sell for the 'Empty' value."
He obviously didn't scroll down the page to find this: "Note: These IDs and values are set at the time you acquire a soul gem, and do not get changed when you fill the soul gem with a soul. In other words, if you pick up an empty grand soul gem, its value will be 200 gold. That value does not change when you fill it. Therefore, you can end up with grand soul gems containing grand souls with two different values, both 200 gold and 500 gold."
In other words, Anarchasshole made two points and they're both wrong. Next?
During the day, The Great Deceiver and Case Number 01 (HMS Victory / Itachi) had made a couple of undos to stop the Oblivion:Soul Gem page being overwhelmed with useless crap that only applies to one person's game. It finished when TGD made one big undo that also nixed AA's last edit to the page.
TGD's edit summary was "Undo several edits - pointless to list particular merchants as all magic stores stock gems and most of them are random rather than fixed". AA's undo was summarised with "Not only is the difference in price between filled player gems & filled merchant gems shown neither in the article nor on the talk page, but Timmen specifically recommended a merchant list, see Talk". So let's see if either of our combatants has a point.
First, we need to look at Asshole's claim that Timenn Made An Order on the talk page. Well... not quite. There was a question back in September 2009 that asked "Should I put something in on this page about soul gems restocking, since right now it looks like the only place to find this is on the Soul Trap page ?" Timenn's reply was (partially) "Good idea, the article could benefit from a ''Acquiring Soul Gems'' sections. It would be best to give general tips on the acquisition of the gems (especially the higher qualities) instead of a long list of locations." So Timenn explicitly didn't want a long list of locations. Okay, Anarchasshole is wrong on one count. Next?
Second, is the difference between different types of soul gems explained? Asshole's version was "Soul gems found empty, whether as loot or bought from merchants, have a coin value which depends on the grade of soul gem, which does not change if the player later fills them with a soul. Merchant gems sold or found filled with a soul have a coin value which depends on the level of the soul within, regardless of the grade of gem. The coin values below are for soul gems sold and found filled; all gems filled by the player will sell for the 'Empty' value."
He obviously didn't scroll down the page to find this: "Note: These IDs and values are set at the time you acquire a soul gem, and do not get changed when you fill the soul gem with a soul. In other words, if you pick up an empty grand soul gem, its value will be 200 gold. That value does not change when you fill it. Therefore, you can end up with grand soul gems containing grand souls with two different values, both 200 gold and 500 gold."
In other words, Anarchasshole made two points and they're both wrong. Next?
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