Thursday 15 October 2009

More Elliot Template Stupidity

Another day dawns and finds our least favourite stupid person, Elliot the Thick, applying trial and error to the problem of making changes to a template. Today's unlucky victim is the Journal Entries template. This template is used on over 500 pages so it's reasonably important. Elliot the Thick doesn't care about that though, so makes a staggering total of 18 edits to it over the course of two hours.

Message to Elliot the Thick: Use a sandbox you f***ing moron. 18 edits to make a change so simple it could be made just as easily by smashing your head into a keyboard is ridiculous. At the moment, almost every page on the site that uses that template is totally messed up for anonymous users. In other words, you broke the site you ignorant twit.

The net effect is to allow the header to be removed on pages with several sets of quest stages. Yet again, this is something that Elliot the Thick hasn't discussed anywhere - it's another of his own worthless opinions. He's now going through various quest pages, increasing his edit count by adding "header=no" to them. We have yet to see whether he f***ks up, for instance, the Sleepers Awake or Citadels of the Sixth House pages, where there are so many quests that keeping the headers in place is rather helpful.

Why is Elliot the Thick being allowed to get away with stuff like this?

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