Friday, 9 October 2009

NPC Summary Silliness

Talking of Elliot the Thick, he's just made 6 edits over the course of half an hour to the live NPC Summary template.

What has he added?

First, the EditorId (a totally useless piece of information in-game) has been added and judged important enough to be displayed in the title bar of the infobox.

Second, a "temporary" category called Oblivion-NPCs_with_Pronunciation that lists the poor NPCs that were victims of Eshe and Playjex's godawful pronunciation drive a while back.

That EditorId change is pretty important, so let's see where Elliot the Thick discussed it with his fellow editors. Odd... there's nothing on the talk page... there's nothing on the Community Portal... and there's nothing on the Administrator Noticeboard either. In other words, it's yet another private project of EtT's that he's adding without talking to anybody and without realising that it's totally and utterly useless.

Finally, did he really have to hit the server 6 times to add his pet rubbish? There's the TestNPCSummary template that Gaebrial created because (in his own words) "
Recreated this page for testing changes to actual template, so it doesn't slow the server down". It has since been used by Gaebrial himself, Rpeh and... Elliot the Thick! That means he knew it existed but still chose to hit the server because of changes nobody else wants. He really is thick.

UPDATE: So it turns out the pronunciation category is to list NPCs who have it so it can be removed, and that "
A future discussion will take place". As opposed to a future discussion that has already taken place, or a discussion in the past that is yet to happen, perhaps? I wonder why he didn't just get Rpeh to run RoBoT to get the list? Oh that's right - Rpeh isn't there any more, leaving the site essentially bot-less since Nephele can't be bothered anymore.

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