Thursday 8 October 2009

Why I Left

I used to edit UESP (and no I am not telling you what username I used) but it was edits like this that turned me off. I mean, why shouldn't I be allowed to delete that comment with an edit summary of "Read the farking article you IDIOT"?

Having been told off for being nasty to n00bs I decided it wasn't worth the hassle. Instead, I have watched from afar - occasionally making a post here or there - and it's been far more rewarding and less damaging. Just look at Nephele's decline from helpful editor to bitch; Rpeh's decline from... well, helpful editor to bitch; Wrye... did the same; Ratwar... well he was bitch from day one so doesn't fit. Basically, everybody who takes the site too seriously ends up bitter and twisted. I guess that means next to go will be Eshe, although since fairly solid rumour says she informed Rpeh of their breakup with this edit, she's already gone past "bitch" and into some new territory hitherto inhabited only by the very worst Hollywood celebs. I'd appreciate info on that one from Eshe or Rpeh should they be watching!

EDIT: Oops - forgot Rpeh's response to Eshe's dumping. The Latin edit summary ("Omnia mutantur; nihil interit") means "Everything changes; nothing is destroyed".

And I went off topic pretty badly. Well let's just say "
Stercus accidit".

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