Thursday 15 October 2009

Rawtart Learn English Good!

It's always good when people provide evidence to demonstrate what I've said about them. Rawtwat the Vicious has just given us a perfect example.

There's no doubt that Kirkbride wrote the the Seven Fights of the Aldudagga (and it's a typical piece of unreadable crap from him) so it's not a rumour!

I may as well say that it's rumoured there won't be any clouds around tonight - such as the ones that aren't there.

Rawtart - I understand that you're jealous Elliot the Thick gets the "the Thick" while you get lumbered with "the Vicious", and this is a good attempt to grab that particular accolade for yourself, but you're going to have to work a lot harder. You're obviously very thick but I'm afraid Elliot is far, far thicker than you so definitely deserves the title. Perhaps you could try making shit-loads of edits to a template to effect a change that nobody wants? Or claim to be a grammar nazi and then get phrases like "nip it in the bud" wrong but when called out on it still claim to be right because you're an ignorant piece of shit who can never admit to being wrong. (Zero Google hits for that one, EtT)

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