Monday 26 October 2009

My Identity Revealed!

I've had a few requests to tell you all who I am. Well after due consideration I've decided to reveal all at last:

I'm Nephele.

Now I know nobody's going to believe that... and rightly so.

I'm Rpeh.

"No!", scream the Daedryon believers. Well okay... I'll come clean.

I'm Elliot, and I have a huge problem with self-loathing.

Just joking.

I'm Daedryon.

I'm Voice of Reason.

I'm Benny220.

I'm doing this as an example of why it's pointless to tell you who I am because you're only going to accept the name if it's one you already agree with. There's no point coming up with a name that won't settle the debate either way so just call me "Tiber Septim" and stop bothering me.


  1. You're a hypocrite. You mock us for attempting to learn your name, while you kept attempting to guess the names of anonymous posters (eg.

  2. Not at all. I'm not mocking anybody - just pointing out that no matter what I say, half my readers (HUGE number!) won't believe me anyway.

  3. Let's have a social experiment. How about you tell us who you really are, and then we take a poll on how many people believe you. Of course, you have to be honest and truthful to us in order for the experiment to work properly.

    A poll would settle the issue easily, and then the argument would end. Don't you want to revolve the argument?

  4. I don't want to see the argument revolved, and I'm not very interested in seeing it resolved either.

    FFS - you edit ED and don't understand the concept of Anonymous?

  5. On the contrary, it is you who doesn't understand the concept of Anonymous. Anonymous (capitalized) isn't synonymous with anonymous (lowercased).

    Anonymous is an all-powerful collective that is everywhere on the Internets. Anonymous has similar values and beliefs. Anonymous is after lulz.

    You, however, are a single person. You don't have any infuence or power. You are fringe; there are only few that share your values and beliefs. You don't seek lulz.

    You are not Anonymous; you are anonymous. The anonymous that you are are the type that hide their face out of shame and fear. Anonymous (capitalized) doesn't feel shame or fear; Anonymous is Legion.

    Also, any ED user knows that you can't edit anonymously. A registered account and a confirmed Email address is required to edit ED.

    See Mr. Tiber, you phail epically when it comes to Internet culture. You don't have any clue.

  6. I can't be bothered talking to you any more. I know for a fact that people get lulz out of this blog and I know for a fact it's having an effect. Your pathetic attempts to get my name are a waste of everybody's time.

  7. Wasting time is what trolls do best, silly. The only pathetic thing here is you not seeking to revolve the conflict.

  8. Please tell me how to revolve a conflict, since this is the second time you've mentioned it.

  9. Be honest to yourself and to us. Tell us who you really are. Knowing each other would build a bond of trust between you and UESP. Then perhaps there will be an open dialogue between us, which may result in change for the better.

    What do you think?

  10. No, that would be "resolving" the conflict. I think I'll take your advice and revolve it - go round and round in circles.

  11. Damn typo. Now that you pointed out that I'm a moron, how about you try to resolve the conflict?

  12. Now to get back on topic. Do you know what person don't trust you? It's because there isn't anyone here who would trust a man in a mask. You love to pretent to be some faceless superhero / supervillain, don't you?

  13. Well I've always worn my underwear outside my trousers.

  14. With a belt strapped around your head, amirite?
